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04. Getting to know the features of the Chatbot List
4 min
Created by Ligia Sarmento on 2/20/2024 2:36 PM
Updated by Ligia Sarmento on 8/15/2024 2:03 PM

This screen displays all created chatbots and their respective data, organized into tabs by chatbot type: Generative AI Chatbots, Flow Chatbots, and Automated Screening.

You can mark the chatbots you use most frequently as favorites, ensuring they appear first in the list.

In this article:

The information displayed for each chatbot includes:

  • Identification Name.

  • Chatbot Status:

    • The Published status indicates that all changes made to the chatbot are in production and ready for use. However, even with this status, the chatbot may not be visible or accessible to end users if it is not linked to any channel. The link is necessary for the chatbot to interact with users through specific platforms, such as websites, messaging apps, social networks, etc. Therefore, after publishing the chatbot, make sure to link it to one or more communication channels.
    • The Not Published status means that the chatbot is still in development or under review, and the changes made are not yet available in production. When the chatbot is ready, publish it and link it to the desired channels.
    • The Unpublished Changes status indicates that there are modifications made to the chatbot that have not yet been applied to the published version. The changes are saved but not in production.
  • Last published on. 

  • Options tres-pontos-mais-opcoes.png, where you can delete the chatbot, an irreversible action that should only be taken if you are certain.

For flow chatbots, there is also the option to copy the chatbot to a file. This simplifies the replication of the chatbot, allowing it to be modified and imported into the same organization or another one in the Zenvia Customer Cloud.

Learn more in the section below about exporting and importing chatbots.

Exporting a Chatbot

Follow the tutorial below to export your flow chatbot to a JSON file. This file contains the entire structure of the chatbot, making it easier to replicate the entire flow and content for reuse in other bots.

  1. Click on Options tres-pontos-mais-opcoes.png  > Create a copy as a file.
  2. Confirm by clicking on Create file and wait for the download.

Importing a Chatbot

The import process allows you to create a new chatbot from a file with information copied from another chatbot. Follow these steps:

  1. In the upper corner of the Chatbot List, click on Import chatbot fak fa-grid.png.
  2. Define the name of the new chatbot to be created during the import.
  3. Under Select file, choose the one that contains the information from the original chatbot.
  4. Complete the process by clicking on Import chatbot.

Once completed, your bot will be visible in the Chatbot List.

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