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02. Optimize the Customer Journey with the Flow Map
4 min
Created by Ligia Sarmento on 2/20/2024 5:33 PM
Updated by Ligia Sarmento on 8/12/2024 4:43 PM

In Zenvia Customer Cloud, the Flow Map feature enables understanding and optimizing the customer journey for those interacting with the chatbot, providing valuable insights into how users progress through the conversation flow and at which points there is a higher dropout rate.

To grasp it in practice, imagine that your customer interacts with the chatbot seeking information about the services offered by your company. Their preferences are recorded and analyzed in real-time, and by accessing the Flow Map later on, you can identify behavioral patterns, optimize service offerings, and personalize recommendations.

This dynamic adaptation to the customer journey not only enhances user satisfaction but also maximizes conversion opportunities.

How to Access

The Flow Map is available in the left sidebar under Chatbots. Its introductory elements include:

  • Initial Filters: Before accessing the flow map, you can specify a specific chatbot and a period for analysis, allowing information to be viewed in a contextualized manner.
  • Options: Here, you can switch to full-screen view or download the presented data.

Additional elements become available after defining the preferences above, and you will be presented with the defined data. The displayed screen reflects the stages of the conversation flow defined in the chatbot that the customer has traversed. For example:

Suppose that when building your chatbot, you defined the following flow: Greetings > Confirmation > Ask Name > Validation > Ask CPF.

The Flow Map will display data related to these stages, and each step the customer takes through them will be divided into columns.

Each stage contains the percentage of people who went through it in relation to the total number of interactions. Using the same example flow above, the logic for reading and analyzing the data could be:

In Greetings, there were a total of 1,287 users, where 100% were active > After the chatbot performed the Confirmation, 1,158 out of 1,287 remained active, representing 70% > From this percentage, only 20% advanced to the next stage, Ask Name.

Interaction Data

In addition to the percentage, the Map displays other data related to interactions between the chatbot and the user:

  • Last Triggering: the last time the stage was triggered, indicating the relevance and frequency of each point in the flow.
  • Abandonment: the moment when customers stopped interacting with the chatbot, providing an opportunity to understand and reduce dropout rates.
  • Service History: In addition to the visual map, there is the possibility to access a list of services that went through each stage, allowing for a more detailed analysis of individual paths.

To access the history, simply click on the chosen stage, and the information will appear on the right side of the screen.

There you have it! Now you have an overview of the Zenvia Customer Cloud Flow Map.

⚠️ Attention:After publishing an assistant, the flow map information may take up to 24 hours to appear. This time is required for the updates to be fully processed in the system.

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