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02. Contacts engagement monitor
8 min
Created by Maria Malheiro on 2/21/2024 2:53 PM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 7/31/2024 3:17 PM

Your communications and marketing achieve better results by knowing your audience better. To do this, analyze the engagement of specific contacts with the Engagement Monitor of Zenvia Customer Cloud.

In addition to providing basic information about contacts, it provides insights and relevant data that can be used to identify leads who are more likely to engage with your brand, or to segment them according to their interest in a specific type of communication.

⚠️ Attention: Users with the Agent profile can only view contact data. Only users with the Operator and Admin profiles have full access to the engagement monitor's features, such as editing, removing, adding to lists, and sending messages.

With this information, you can:

  • Identify contacts who show no interest in your communications;

  • Create more personalized messages targeted to specific groups;

  • Optimize communication delivery by knowing the times and frequencies that are more likely to be opened and read;

  • Track the performance of your messages with engagement data to adjust your strategies as needed.

To access the Engagement Monitor:

  1. In the left sidebar menu, go to Contacts > Contact Base;

  2. Then, on the contact row, click on the contact's name.

Next, see the available contact information and how to interpret it.

Registration data

These are the general details of the contact, such as phone number, email, how long they have been a contact, and their origin. The origin of the contact depends on how they were added to the contact database, which can be:

  • App
    Example: Omie, Google Sheets
  • App + Specification
    Example: Facebook Leads - Page Test 1 Client A
  • Campaign
    Example: Campaign {Campaign Name} - Channel
  • Manual Import
    Example: Manual import
  • Contact Manager API
    Example: API
  • CSV File
    Example: CSV Import - {File Name}
  • Direct Interaction (without external import)
    Example: WhatsApp - WhatsApp Business Credential, Facebook Messenger - Facebook Account, Instagram - Instagram Account, Webchat
  • Direct Interaction with Chatbot Triage (without external import)
    Example: WhatsApp - WhatsApp Business Credential - Bot Flow Name; Facebook Messenger - Bot Flow Name; Instagram - Bot Flow Name; Webchat - Bot Flow Name

Edit contact data

You can edit or view all contact information by selecting the option to View details or Edit data. You will be directed to the contact details page and can make changes manually.

Delete contact

To delete the contact from the base, click on the icon and select the option to remove it. The contact is permanently removed from your base and all selected lists.

Contact list

These are the contact lists to which the recipient belongs.

Include contact in a list

You can add the contact to another list. Just click on Include contact in a list and select an existing one to link the contact to. 

The contact can be included in one or more lists.

Remove contact from this list

Additionally, you can remove the contact from any list it's in by clicking on the "X" next to the desired list and selecting Remove contact.

The contact can be removed from one or more lists.

Active channels

Here you find in which channels the contact is subscribed or not, whether SMS, Email, or WhatsApp. Contacts can be categorized as:

  • Subscribed: A subscribed contact is someone who has opted to receive your communication. They are identified with the Subscribed label next to the respective channel.

  • Unsubscribed: An unsubscribed contact is someone who used to receive your communications but has unsubscribed. They will be identified with the Unsubscribed label next to the respective channel. 

Unsubscribe contact from channel 

You can choose to unsubscribe a contact from a specific channel to keep your base updated. To do this, select the Unsubscribe option.

⚠️ Attention: Note that even after unsubscribing, the contact still appears in your contact base and in the dispatch report with the Sending Error status if you try to send messages to them in the future.

Dispatched messages

This is the total number of messages sent to that contact, either by a single or automated dispatch in the last 90 days.

If the contact has received communications through more than one channel, select Dispatches by channel to see the number of dispatches per active communication channel.

If the contact has received communications through only one channel, the total number of messages corresponds only to that channel.

Engagement rate

The engagement rate reflects the contact's level of interaction with communication channels in the last 90 days and may vary based on the following statuses:

  • No engagement: Indicates almost no interaction, ranging from 0 to 19.99%;

  • Low: Indicates that the contact is slightly engaged, with rates between 20% and 49.99%;

  • High: Reflects good engagement, ranging between 50% and 74.99%;

  • Very high: Indicates that the contact is highly engaged, with rates between 75% and 100%.

Engagement monitor

The engagement monitor displays contact performance rates based on active channel statuses in your organization, which can be:

  • Delivery rate: Messages that were successfully delivered;

  • Open rate: Messages opened by the contact;

  • Click-through rate: Messages where the contact clicked on a link or button;

  • Response rate: Messages that generated a response from the contact.

The data presented are for a 90-day period. Check the rates presented according to the channel:





Delivery rate

Delivery rate

Delivery rate

Delivery rate


Open rate

Open rate

Open rate


Response rate

Click-through rate

Click-through rate


Response rate


That´s it! With this information, you can analyze the performance of a specific contact, segment your audience, and ensure better results for your communication campaigns.