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03. Adding contacts manually in Zenvia Customer Cloud
6 min
Created by Larissa Aniceto on 2/26/2024 2:57 PM
Updated by Larissa Aniceto on 3/8/2024 3:42 PM

There are two different ways to add contacts in the Contacts module: manually or through importing a contact list. This article teaches you how to insert contacts into lists manually.

⚠️ Attention: This functionality is only available to users with the Administrator profile.

To use this feature, you have the following available access paths:

  • In the left sidebar menu, under Contacts, click on the Contacts Base option > Add contacts > Add manually;

  • In the left sidebar menu, under Contacts, click on the Contact Lists option > Add contacts > Add manually.

Following both paths, you start the process of including the contact in a list. The first step is to link the new contact to one or more existing lists or create a new list for it.

Include contacts in a list

You can include a contact in one or more existing lists. To do this, simply select them in the Select one or more lists checkbox. The selected lists will be displayed as a "tag."

💡 Tip:  If you prefer, you can also create a new list.

Now, it's necessary to add the contact's information.

Add contact information

To create a contact, just fill in the fields with the information. Such as:

  • First name;

  • Last name;

  • Mobile phone;

  • Landline phone;

  • Email address;

  • Date of birth;

  • Address;

  • Extra fields.

Keep in mind that the field that differentiates one user from another is the Mobile phone or Email address. Therefore, the registration and control of name, last name, and other information depend on how the user organizes their own database.

⚠️ Attention: It's mandatory to register the mobile phone or email address and link the contact to one or more lists (the system always prevents addition if this data is missing).

The phone number should be registered in the format IDD+DDD+number, for example, for numbers from Argentina, there should always be the number 9 between the country code and the area code, so it would be like this: 549+DDD+XXXXXXXX, without using spaces or dashes. Check the IDD codes of Latin American countries:




+54 - There must be a number 9 between the country code and the area code for cell phone numbers in Argentina.









Costa Rica






El Salvador






French Guiana
















Dominican Republic






The other fields in this form do not have validation, meaning the system does not require the user to follow a specific definition in their database to enable contact import to follow the standards of their own campaign. For example:

  • In the ZIP code (CEP), you can register with or without dashes;

  • Assuming that the Country is "Brazil," the user can add it with "s" or with "z";

  • Still in the Country field, you can register using the full name or the acronym, in the case of "Brazil" it would be "BR";

  • It's possible that your database literally does NOT need to use a certain field.

  • Therefore, it's up to the user to standardize the information in their database.

  • After adding the desired information, click on Add to complete the procedure and include the contact in the selected list.

Now that we know how to add contacts manually, let's see which ones are inside a list.

Accessing the content of a list

Back to the Contacts List, to check which contacts are part of a list, simply click on the desired name.

To understand the best way to manage the contacts of a list, check the functionalities of the content of a contact list.

That´s it! Now you know how to add contacts manually.