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07. Contact List in Zenvia Customer Cloud
5 min
Created by Larissa Aniceto on 2/26/2024 3:42 PM
Updated by Larissa Aniceto on 3/8/2024 3:42 PM

The main function of a Contact List is to group specific contacts, aiming to use them as a target audience when sending a message. You can upload your entire contact database into a master list and then start separating them using smaller and more focused lists. 

For example, assuming your campaign targets a specific state, you can create a specific list by unifying only the contacts that fit into this category, allowing your communications to be more accurate to this particular state.

To begin, access your lists in the left sidebar menu by clicking on Contacts > Contact List.

Contact List functionalities

This screen, in addition to listing all contact groups, has the following tools:

  • The search bar at the top, which allows you to search for contact lists;

  • Button to add new contacts by importing a file or manually;

  • Button to create a new list.

The contact list consists of the following columns:

  • Name and creation date;

  • How many contacts are part of this list;

  • Date of last update and email of the user who made this change (identifying the time of list creation or subsequent changes);

  • Finally, when clicking the button , a menu with the options is displayed:

    • Rename list;

    • Delete list.

Next, see how to create a new contact list.

Create new contact list

  • To create a new list, click on Create new list.

  • A window will open for you to enter the name of your list.

  • Then, click on the Create list button.

Ready! Your list has been successfully created. When you create a list, it will be empty, without contacts. To add contacts to a list, click on the desired list, and you will see the following options to add contacts:

  • Import from file;

  • Add manually;

  • Segment contacts.

Below, we teach you how to search for a contact list.

Search for a contact list

To search for a contact list, simply enter the desired name in the search bar. The search bar searches specifically within the list, so if you want to search for a specific contact, use the contact manager.

Next, let's learn how to rename lists.

Rename list

To rename a list:

  • Click on the icon and select the Rename list option;

  • Enter the desired name in the text field;

  • Click on Save List.

When you click the Save List button, you will return to the Contacts screen, where you can observe the change. Now that we know how to rename lists, let's learn how to remove them.

Delete list

To delete a list:

  • Click on the icon and select the Delete list option;

  • Confirm deletion by clicking on the Delete permanently button.

⚠️ Attention: By deleting a list, you are only removing all contacts from the list and deleting it. This means that you can still use the contacts in other lists, but you need to search for them manually. To permanently delete a contact from all lists, you need to remove it from your base. When you click the Delete permanently button, you will return to the Contacts screen, where you can already see the list has been removed.

Now that we know how to delete a list, let's see which contacts are inside a list.

Access the content of a list

Back to the contact list, to check which contacts are part of a list, simply click on the desired name and check the content of a contact list. To understand the best way to manage your contact base, check the functionalities of the contact manager.

That´s it! Now you know all the functionalities of your contact list.