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05. Managing organizations in Zenvia Customer Cloud
3 min
Created by Leonora Alves on 2/26/2024 4:41 PM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 3/8/2024 3:41 PM

Organizations are the main accounts that group other accounts to which you have access. There are two types of organizations in Zenvia Customer Cloud:

  • Main organization: it is your original organization;
  • Sub-organizations: these are organizations that are part of a main organization.

Every user of Zenvia Customer Cloud always has access to an organization.

Accessing organizations

In the global navigation menu, located in the top right corner of Zenvia Customer Cloud, click on the organization name and then on the Manage organizations button. You will find the following information for all organizations you are part of:

  • Organization name;
  • Organization ID;
  • Created at: the account creation date;
  • Main Org: the organization that will be used in your session whenever you log in;
  • Status: shows if the organization is active or not and allows the status to be changed.

Viewing organizations and their hierarchies

Click on the View in hierarchy option in the top right corner of the list of organizations. The relationships between organizations and sub-organizations are detailed.

💡 Tip: The page can be switched between hierarchy view and list view.

Switching organizations

Select the organization you would like to switch to. You will be automatically switched to the selected organization.

Done! Now that you know how to view information about your organization, see how to create a sub-organization.

Disabling an organization

When you disable an organization, it becomes unavailable for users to access.

⚠️ Attention: Only the creator of the organization/sub-organization and users with Admin profile can disable it. The main organization, registered at the time of account creation, cannot be disabled.

To do this, disable the status related to the organization you would like to deactivate by clicking the icon desabilitar.png. The organization's status changes to Off. You can undo this action at any time.