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01. Check payments and billing of Zenvia Customer Cloud
4 min
Created by Leonora Alves on 2/26/2024 5:18 PM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 5/2/2024 5:01 PM

In Zenvia Customer Cloud, you can generate the 2nd copy of your invoice, check your payment history, view the status of paid, pending, and canceled invoices, and issue an invoice in Settings > Billing.


⚠️ Attention: This functionality is only available for users with the Viewer or Admin profile.

The page displays a listing of all invoices from the last six months.

Filter files

Use the search field to filter by contract number, or filter by payment status (Pending or Paid) or by type (SVA or Licensing).

Check the available information below.


It is the contract number to which the boleto belongs.


It is the type of fiscal document:

  • Invoice: it is the invoice with the total value of the contracted service.


It is the value of the contracted service.

Due Date

It is the deadline to pay the boleto. Billing occurs until the fifth business day of the month. This means that the process of issuing invoices takes place between the first and fifth business day of the month following the end of the month in which the service was provided.

Status Indicates the status of the invoice payment, which can be:

  • Paid: payment was successful;
  • Pending: payment was not identified or processed successfully by the financial institution;
  • Canceled: the invoice was canceled before payment.

This can occur for reasons such as errors in issuing the invoice or changes in the payment method and, therefore, it is not available for download.


Each column in the list contains a button to download the following documents:

  • Descriptor: It is the breakdown of usage that describes how you used the software and channels;
  • Invoices: Invoices are generated and sent on the billing day, that is, until the fifth business day of the month. After paying the invoice, the timeframe for its clearance is up to three business days.

After paying the invoice, the deadline for its compensation is up to three business days.

When there is no document available for download, the buttons appear disabled.

Bulk file download

It is possible to download more than one descriptor or invoice at once.

To download in bulk, simply locate the files on the list and check them in their respective selection boxes. Then, click on the button corresponding to the desired action: Download descriptor and/or Download Invoices.

Done! Now you know how to check and download your invoices securely and conveniently.