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Send media messages with WhatsApp
6 min
Created by Leonora Alves on 2/29/2024 2:27 PM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 7/8/2024 2:13 PM

To send WhatsApp messages that include media, it's straightforward, just follow these steps:

  • Have a message template pre-approved by Meta within Zenvia Customer Cloud.
  • Provide a media link during the setup of the message.

⚠️ Attention: This feature is available only for users with the Operator and Admin profiles.

Template registration

Go to Settings > Message templates > WhatsApp > Create new template. Fill in the information for each step:


Give a name to the template, select the category, language, and phone number. Finally, enter an email to be notified when your template is reviewed by the WhatsApp team.

Message Type

To create templates with media files, select the option Message with header, media, footer, and button.

Template Content

The header text can include text, image, document, or video.

Accepted formats and sizes for template creation are:

  • Document: PDF - up to 100MB;
  • Image: JPEG and PNG - up to 5MB;
  • Video: MP4 - up to 16MB.

Media sending occurs during the message setup. To create the template, simply select the media model to be attached.

⚠️ Attention: The sent media template is not the same as the one you need to use in your messages; it's just a submission template you are presenting to Meta. Check the Accepted Media Types table to know the media files and formats that can be used when sending the message.

Message Body is the content of the message and may contain variables; the Footer is optional and cannot contain variables; and Buttons can be Call to Action (CTA) or Quick Reply.

For detailed information on creating and sending templates for approval, check the article How to register templates for WhatsApp.

With an approved template, the next step is to configure the WhatsApp message setup.

Sending a message with media file

Go to Message broadcast > Broadcast and automation > WhatsApp.

Fill in the information for each step:


Give a name to the dispatch and then select the phone number. It must be the same number selected during registration. Templates registered under this number are automatically displayed.


Add the recipients. You can:

  • Use the contact base: Ensure that your contact base contains a field with the URL of the media file. This URL must be public and direct. The media variables in the registered template correspond to the columns in your contact base. For example, if your template uses {{videoUrl}}, your contact base must have a field with public and direct video URLs.

  • Import a .csv file: Create a .csv file with at least two columns, one for the recipients' phone numbers and another for the media file URL. The media file URL column must contain public and direct links in the accepted format for sending.

Accepted formats and sizes for sending at the time of dispatch are shown in the table below.

Accepted media types

Media type







Up tp 16MB


Formatos de texto



Open Office

Up to 100 MB




Up to 5MB




Up to 16 MB



Up to 100 KB

Then, associate the variables with their respective fields. Regardless of how the recipients were defined, if a message has a variable, it is necessary to select what each field in the table represents.

In the example, see a message template that uses a video with the variable {{videoUrl}}. In the .csv file, the structure is as follows:

whatsapp-csv-media - Copia.png

During the import, you should:

  1. Associate the phone column with the phone field value;
  2. Associate the videoUrl column with the {{videoUrl}} field value.



In the summary of the dispatch, there is an illustrative preview of the message. The media file appears in link format, so make sure it is public.

Select the dispatch method, and you're done! Your media message will be sent.