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09. Registering a domain and adding email address
6 min
Created by Leonora Alves on 2/29/2024 5:08 PM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 9/10/2024 9:58 AM

The email domain is the entire part of an email address that comes after the @ symbol. You can create a custom domain with your company's name to give more authenticity to your messages. This article will guide you through the steps to register and add a domain.

⚠️ Attention: This feature is only available for users with Operator or Admin profiles.

Before getting started, you need to have an active custom domain.

To add a domain:

  1. Go to Settings > Channels > Email > Channel Settings > Register new domain;

  2. Then, enter the domain name you want to create, for example, @yourcompany.com. After that, click on Next.

⚠️ Attention: It is not possible to use free domains such as @gmail, @yahoo, @hotmail, etc.

The entered domain needs to be authenticated, and to send and receive emails, you must register the DNS entries.

DNS Entries

DNS stands for Domain Name System. To work properly, the domain must be connected to a server via DNS entries. Each entry has a set of fields, which are:

  • Type: The type of record, with CNAME being the one used for email on Zenvia Customer Cloud;

  • Name: The root domain (e.g., zenvia.com) or subdomain;

  • TTL (Time to live): The frequency in seconds of the record’s update in the servers' memory. For example, changes in a record with a TTL of 3,600 seconds will be updated every hour.

  • Value: This information varies according to the type of record.

For email registration on Zenvia Customer Cloud, five (5) CNAME entries are generated.


Each entry must be validated with your provider to authenticate your domain. Next, we'll explain how this authentication is done.

Domain Authentication

Copy each entry from the Zenvia Customer Cloud table and paste it into the corresponding field of your provider.

⚠️ Attention: The configuration of DNS entries is done differently with each domain provider. Check the Help Center of the most popular providers:

In summary, when copying the entry available in the Points to/Data column, you should paste it into the indicated field of the provider you chose to perform the authentication. For this reason, we suggest using two windows in your browser: one for Zenvia Customer Cloud and another for your provider’s page.

After completing the registration of each entry, click on Next.

All entries must be correctly validated. Otherwise, the domain authentication is not completed. In these cases, an error message will appear informing you that your validation was not completed, and you can redo it.

If you choose to validate at another time, you can find the domains in your email control panel. After adding the records, click on the three-dot menu of the domain with pending authentication and then on Validate.

⚠️ Attention: Validate the domains carefully, as it is not possible to change them later. If necessary, you can only delete the validated domain.

With your domain authenticated, you can add it to an email address. We'll explain how to add one or more emails to your domain.

Add an Email Address

To add an email to your domain, you must fill in the email address field linked to the domain, which is the address you use to send and receive emails. The other information is optional:

  • Sender for outgoing messages: Name displayed in sent messages.
  • Reply-to email: Email address that will receive the replies.
  • Reply sender: Name displayed when a reply is sent to your email.
  • Description: Field to add information or details about the sent email.
  • Tracking options:
    • Open tracking: Receive a status event when the message is opened.
    • Click tracking: Receive a status event when a link in the message is clicked.
    • To change the tracking options, click on Edit settings.

With the fields filled in, click Add email to finish.

For each registered email, you can Copy email, which means copying the registered email address, and also edit or delete the email by clicking the tres-pontos.png option next to the desired email.

Done! Now you know how to register domains and add email addresses.

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