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06. Integrating the SMS channel in Zenvia Customer Cloud
3 min
Created by Ligia Sarmento on 3/5/2024 3:16 PM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 8/14/2024 3:56 PM

The SMS channel allows for the sending of text messages and is widely used for managing marketing campaigns.

Customers with an active plan have access to various channels, including SMS. The channels are available in a single package with their respective unit prices. To learn more, check out the article Plans and Contracts.

⚠️ Attention: This functionality is only available to users with Operator or Admin profiles.

SMS integration plays a central role in the modules offered by Zenvia Customer Cloud, and for this reason, it is the first step before using some available features.

For example, in the Message Dispatch module, some types of campaigns that companies can run with SMS are:

  • Exclusive offers and promotions: Encourage customers to take advantage of special offers.

  • Appointment reminders: Reduce no-shows for appointments or events, improving operational efficiency.

  • Satisfaction surveys: Collect feedback from customers to improve the quality of products and services.

💡 Tip: Access the article Sending SMS messages on Zenvia Customer Cloud.

Activate the SMS channel

SMS activation is automatic in Zenvia Customer Cloud as soon as you subscribe to a plan, so no action is required.

To view:

  1. In the side menu, choose Settings > Channels.

  2. Under SMS, the message Connected will appear in green, confirming the activation.

By default, sending is enabled only for Brazilian numbers. To enable sending to numbers from any country, access channel management.

Take advantage of Zenvia Customer Cloud to optimize your communication: register message templates for quick SMS sending. We offer various categories for better organization of your templates, such as Appointment Updates, Auto Reply, Marketing, among others.

These pre-configured templates can be reused multiple times and are useful for standardized SMS sending. Check out the article Registering SMS message templates in Zenvia Customer Cloud.

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