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WhatsApp rules and definitions
27 min
Created by Leonora Alves on 3/6/2024 3:41 PM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 8/1/2024 11:07 AM

Below, you'll find answers to some frequently asked questions related to WhatsApp, including account activation, message templates, session initiation, and number classification.

Account Activation

How do I activate (enable) my WhatsApp Business number?

You need to gather all the necessary data to use WhatsApp. Most of this data can be extracted from the Facebook Ads platform, the so-called Business Manager, during registration. So, follow these steps:

  • Create an account on Facebook Ads Manager;

  • Verify the ID, the specific identification number provided by Facebook;

  • Set the name;

  • Set the WhatsApp number for contact.

By doing this correctly, you can comply with WhatsApp's requirements. To find out more about plans and contracts, go here.

If I don't have a Facebook account, how do I create one?

You need to have a personal Facebook account to start the activation process of the WhatsApp number. According to Facebook's own help center, having an active account allows any user to create a Business Manager.

If you don't have one, just go to business.facebook.com, click on Create Account, enter the company name, the name and address of the responsible person, and provide your professional email.

Then, click Next and enter the company details, and then click Send.

Facebook Business Manager, like WhatsApp, is also owned by Meta, which controls Facebook. Therefore, the process from creating the account to activating the number on WhatsApp is all guided by Meta.

What is the ID and what is it for?

When registering on Facebook, your company is given an identification number. This will make your actions unique. Additionally, this number allows personal accounts to be added to the Business Manager.

Thus, the so-called ID is responsible for sharing data with applications, as it identifies a business account.

Once the user logs into the Facebook Business Manager account, they need to go to Business Settings and then Business Information. The ID is the number that appears just below the business name.

How to request WhatsApp Business verification

Initially, the lines integrated in Zenvia Customer Cloud are Business Accounts. To turn it into an Official Business Account, you need to request an analysis from WhatsApp.

To obtain the green checkmark, it's essential to meet the following requirements:

  • Comply with WhatsApp's Business Policy and WhatsApp Business Policy.
  • Have notability, that is, be a widely recognized and researched brand or entity.
  • Go through WhatsApp's company verification process.
  • Have the display name approved.
  • Activate two-factor authentication (2FA) for the phone number you want to verify.

After the analysis, you will receive a notification informing you whether your account has been approved or not. The final decision on verification is the responsibility of Facebook (Meta). The mentioned criteria are just the starting point for the request.

If you need support, contact Zoe in the Zenvia Customer Cloud chat and request assistance.

I switched to Zenvia because the API is official META. Do I still risk losing my WhatsApp line? How can I monitor this?

Yes, it is possible to lose your WhatsApp line if Meta's guidelines are not followed, there are violations or non-compliance with policies. Below is a spreadsheet with the Commercial and Business Policies applied on the WhatsApp Business Platform.

Violation Description 


Businesses may not transact in the sale or use of adult products or services.


  • Products promoting family planning and contraception, which focus on the contraceptive features of the product, and not on sexual pleasure or sexual enhancement
  • Sex toys
  • Videos or live shows for adult entertainment
  • Sexual enhancement products
  • Sexually suggestive services


Businesses may not transact in the sale of alcohol.


  • Books or DVDs about alcohol
  • Alcohol-related items, including glasses, coolers, and wine bottle holders
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Kits for producing alcohol


Businesses may not transact in the sale of any animals.


  • Animal cages
  • Products for animals (toys, collars, etc.)
  • Veterinary services
  • Grooming services Boarding services
  • Pet adoption services
  • Live animals
  • Livestock
  • Prohibited animal parts, including but not limited to bone, teeth, horn, ivory, taxidermy, organs, external limbs, secretions, or carcasses
  • Any product or part, including but not limited to leather, skin, hide, fur, wool, or hair from any dogs, cats, and endangered or threatened animals


Businesses may not transact in the sale of human body parts or fluids.


  • Blood donation centers
  • Blood
  • Hair extensions and wigs
  • Urine
  • Body parts
  • Organs
  • Human tissue
  • Teeth


Businesses may not transact in or facilitate online dating services.


Businesses may not transact in the sale, including links to or processing of any subscription sales, renewals, or upgrades, etc., of digital content, digital subscriptions, or digital accounts.


  • Authentic audio or video CDs, DVDs, and Blu Ray Digital devices, including Smartphones, video game consoles, and TVs
  • Downloadable content, including PDFs, music, games, movies, etc.
  • Digital accounts, including games accounts
  • Digital subscriptions and internet streaming services, including TV, Mobile, etc.
  • Digital coupons


Businesses may not transact in the sale of illegal, prescription, or recreational drugs. Manufacturers and healthcare services who do not engage in direct sale are allowed.


  • Drugs, including marijuana and marijuana products
  • Drug paraphernalia, including pipes and bongs
  • Prescription drugs


Businesses may not transact in or facilitate gambling, games of skill, or lotteries, including online casinos, sports books, bingo, or poker if it costs money.


Businesses may not transact in certain healthcare products, including medical devices, and smoking cessation products containing nicotine. Manufacturers and healthcare services who do not engage in direct sale are allowed.


  • Medical Devices
    • Lifestyle and fitness accessories
    • Contact lenses, bandages and braces for physical injuries
    • Thermometers
    • Testing kits for medical conditions or diseases
    • Breast pumps
    • First-aid kits
  • Smoking Cessation Products
    • Nicotine patches Nicotine gum


Businesses may not transact in the operation or exchange of illegal products or services.


WhatsApp prohibits business models, goods, items, or services that we determine may be or are fraudulent, misleading, offensive, or deceptive, or that may be or are exploitative, inappropriate, or exert undue pressure on targeted groups.


  • Multilevel marketing
  • Penny auctions
  • ICOs and binary options
  • Payday loans, paycheck advances, P2P lending, debt collection, and bail bonds
  • Diet, weight loss, or other health related products that imply or attempt to generate negative self-perception


Businesses may not position products or services in a sexually suggestive manner.


  • Implied nudity Implied sexual acts
  • Zoomed-in sexual images


Businesses may not transact in the sale of real, virtual, or fake currency.


  • Real money (cash or cash equivalent instruments and coins)
  • Replica or prop money
  • Digital or cryptocurrency
  • Active bank credit or debit cards
  • Store credit cards or coupons
  • Pre-paid credit or debit cards
  • Checks or checkbooks
  • Equipment to create counterfeit currency or financial instruments


Businesses may not transact in the sale of unsafe ingestible supplements, as determined by WhatsApp in its sole discretion.


  • Anabolic steroids
  • Chitosan
  • Comfrey
  • Dehydroepiandrosterone
  • Ephedra
  • Human growth hormones


Transactions may not contain content that infringes upon or violates the intellectual property rights of any third party, including copyright or trademark. This includes, but is not limited to, the sale of counterfeit products, such as goods that copy the trademark (name or logo) and/or distinctive features of another company’s products to imitate a genuine product.


  • Counterfeits, knockoffs, or replicas of branded goods, or posts offering goods that are likely to confuse consumers about the source, sponsorship or affiliation of those goods.
  • Unauthorized or pirated copies of copyrighted works, such as videos, movies, TV shows and broadcasts, video games, CDs or other musical works, books, etc.


Businesses may not transact in the sale of tobacco products or tobacco paraphernalia.


  • Apparel featuring a tobacco brand logo
  • Cigarettes, cigars, and chewing tobacco
  • Tobacco pipes and paraphernalia Tobacco rolling machines
  • Hookahs
  • Bongs
  • Rolling papers
  • Electronic cigarettes (E-cigarettes) or tobacco devices


Businesses may not transact in the sale of devices that facilitate or encourage streaming digital content in an unauthorized manner or interfering with the functionality of electronic devices.


  • Add-on equipment for streaming devices such as keyboards and remotes
  • Sale of streaming devices loaded with software that facilitates unauthorized access to content
  • Jailbroken or loaded devices
  • Jamming or descrambling devices
  • Wiretapping devices


Businesses may not transact in the sale or use of weapons, ammunition, or explosives.


  • Promoting safety training or licenses for legal weapons
  • Firearms and firearm parts
  • Paintball guns
  • BB Guns
  • Fireworks
  • Pepper spray
  • Tasers
  • Gun ranges
  • Gun shows

Access Business Support in Meta Business Suite:

  • Log in to Meta Business Suite.
  • Click on All tools in the left-hand menu and then click on Business Support.
  • Click Account overview (speedometer icon) in the left-hand menu, if necessary.

Access Business Support in the Business Manager:

  • Log in to the Business Manager.
  • Click on the All tools icon (three horizontal lines) at the top of the page and then click on Business Support.
  • Click on Account overview (speedometer icon) in the menu on the left, if necessary. 
Alternatively, watch the video and check out the step-by-step process.

Message Template Triggering

If the Meta API service is unstable, how will the triggering be done?

The trigger will be made even when the service is unstable. During instability, we use queuing, and once the service is restored, the queue continues to be consumed normally.
Meta has a WhatsApp Business API status page that provides real-time status updates about the WhatsApp Business Platform service. This includes detailed availability and latency metrics from the Cloud API to improve platform observability.

Monitor this page to check if services are experiencing interruptions or unavailability. The status page also shows when services are not experiencing any known issues.

In case of problems with the platform, it is important to first check the page to determine if the issue is with Meta or if it is related to your company (implementation, hardware, or network).

What do you do if the firing service is down?

We are left with a queue, which is consumed after the service is restored, no messages are discarded.

How are trigger errors traced?

Trigger errors remain as pending.

Message Template Analysis

Who analyzes the message templates?

Currently, WhatsApp's team is responsible for analyzing and approving/disapproving your template. Zenvia does not interfere in the message content management process.

How long does it take to approve?

The deadline for approving the HSM message template depends on WhatsApp/Facebook's analysis. The estimated turnaround time is approximately 5 business days.

Why was my template disapproved?

If your message template was disapproved, you can edit it or delete it and create a new template for a new request.

Below, we list the main reasons for disapproval.

1. Your template does not follow WhatsApp Business Policies for promotional content:

Sending promotional message templates that do not follow policies or any type of content not requested by the customer is not allowed. Below, we list some words that may lead WhatsApp's team to understand that your template contains SPAM and result in disapproval.

Remember that the end customer is the one who decides whether you are helping, informing, or bothering. Therefore, when creating your template, consider the value generated for your customer.

2. Your template has floating parameters:

The message template cannot contain lines with parameters only and no text.

3. Your template is out of formatting:

Your template may still have been disapproved for not being in the correct format. Check for spelling errors or if the variable format is incorrect (missing a key, for example).

4. Your template did not follow the policy:

Your template may have been disapproved for not following the WhatsApp Business Policy.

Below, we bring some points of the WhatsApp Business Policy that should be observed:

  • WhatsApp prohibits organizations and individuals involved in terrorism or organized crime from using WhatsApp Business Products.
  • WhatsApp prohibits the use of WhatsApp Business Products to facilitate or organize criminal activities, including exploiting or causing physical, financial, or any other type of harm to people, companies, or animals.
  • If you are negotiating, offering, or selling products or services, including sending messages in connection with such offers and sales, you must also comply with Policies for Commerce Features.
  • Messages should not include offensive content, such as sexually explicit materials or nudity, as determined by WhatsApp's exclusive criteria.

My template was approved, what now?

Now, you can communicate with your customers through this channel on Zenvia Customer Cloud.

Best Practices in Using Message Templates:

  1. Opt-in: Remember to always make it clear that the user has opted in to receive notifications via WhatsApp.

  2. Company name: Always make it clear the company name when sending a notification so that the user knows who it's from.

  3. WhatsApp Business Policy: Be strict in complying with all WhatsApp Business Policy to avoid penalties.

  4. Opt-out: In your templates, always provide the option and make it clear to the user what the process is for opting out and stopping receiving unwanted messages.

Message Template Editing

Can I edit the template after it's approved?

Message templates can be edited only when they are in the Approved, Rejected, or Paused state. It's possible to edit each message template only once per day, up to 10 times per month. See here how to create/edit templates.

I no longer need this template, what to do?

If you no longer want an approved message template to be used, you can delete it. You can also delete disapproved message templates that you don't intend to edit and send again for approval.

⚠️ Attention: Deleting a message template is permanent and cannot be reversed.

Media Files in the Template Header

How to attach media files?

Media files are always sent at the time of sending. For creating the template, just select the type of document that will be attached.

Is the image and media also analyzed by WhatsApp?

No, WhatsApp does not analyze the content contained in the media, but we recommend following the rules of permitted content.

What media are allowed and what are the accepted sizes?

Media Type









Up to 16MB



Text formats



Open Office

Up to 100 MB





Up to 5MB





Up to 16 MB




Up to 100 KB

Session Opening

When someone sends a message to your number, WhatsApp opens a 24-hour session. During this session, your number can converse with the person without needing to approve message templates. You can send text, video, photo, documents, location, and contact.

What happens if I send a template with an open session?

Session management is the responsibility of Zenvia's customers. If a template is sent with an open session, it will be considered and tagged as a notification.

Number Classification

Each number has a quality rating within WhatsApp. This rating ranges between 3 states: high (green), medium (yellow), and low (red). WhatsApp has a spam rate and block monitoring system. When these blocks occur frequently, your number moves to the medium (yellow) or low (red) status and may even be banned by WhatsApp.

Number Status

WhatsApp separates the status of the number used into 5 categories:

1. Connected: The number is online and working normally.

2. Offline: The number is not connected.

3. Pending: The number has not yet been integrated and approved.

4. Flagged: It's a warning sign. When the quality rating reaches a low (red) state, the phone number moves to the Flagged status.

If the message rating improves to a high (green) or medium (yellow) state within 7 days, the phone number will return to the Connected status.

If the quality rating does not improve within 7 days, the number will still return to the Connected status but with a lower message limit

5. Restricted: Phone numbers that reach the message limit are moved to a restricted state. While restricted, the number cannot send any notification messages until the 24-hour message sending window is reset. It is still possible to respond to all messages initiated by users.

How does the template impact on the classification?

Your template can have a negative impact on this classification if you send messages to users who do not want to receive that type of content. To avoid this, simply apply the best practices suggested by WhatsApp and Zenvia.

Tier (message limit level)

Today WhatsApp provides 3 Tier message limit levels:

  • Tier 1 (up to 1,000 unique numbers impacted per continuous 24-hour period);

  • Tier 2 (up to 10,000 unique numbers impacted per continuous 24-hour period.);

  • Tier 3 (up to 100,000 unique numbers impacted per continuous 24-hour period). 

Tier Upgrade

Every number starts at Tier 1. To have an upgrade, your number needs to reach double its limit within a 7 (seven) day period. Another important factor is the quality of the number, which cannot be low.

Number Quality in my Tier

When a number is flagged by WhatsApp, its Tier can be reduced to 1 for a period of 7 days. WhatsApp itself defines this. There is no rule.

To check your current Tier, simply open a ticket at support.zenvia.com.

What is the impact of number quality on my account?

If your number receives many spam reports and blocks and cannot return to high (green) status, WhatsApp may ban your number, preventing the use of the number.

To learn more about limits and quality rating, see Facebook's official documentation.

Which cases should I contact Meta directly?

When your WhatsApp Business Account (WABA) is owned by you and not by Zenvia, certain actions, such as changing the line name, must be performed directly by you with Meta. For this, you need to open a support ticket.

To open a support ticket for your WhatsApp Business account:

  1. Go to https://business.facebook.com/;
  2. Select the help menu;
  3. Click on Contact support team.

Still have questions, who do I talk to?

Currently, we have some documentation that guides and helps you write a message template. Access WhatsApp Message Template Registration in Zenvia Customer Cloud and learn more.

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