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04. Registration of WhatsApp message templates in Zenvia Customer Cloud
37 min
Created by Maria Malheiro on 3/7/2024 7:53 AM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 8/12/2024 5:44 PM

Registering message templates in Zenvia Customer Cloud is easy and intuitive!

After integrating the WhatsApp channel, access the bottom left menu, Settings > Message Templates.

You have two buttons available on the top right side: Dispatch Report or Create New Template.

When selecting the Dispatch Report, you can generate a report with dispatch information for the current month or select another desired month.

If you already have created templates, to search for them just use the search or filter by desired status.

With that, you will see on this screen:

  • Template ID;

  • Name;

  • Status;

  • Quality rating;

  • Last update;

  • Options.

Under Options, in the icon , you can:

  • Edit the template;

  • Copy JSON;

  • Copy Template ID;

  • Delete template.

When selecting Create New Template. Check the step by step below:

Create WhatsApp template

In this step, fill in the general information of the message template, such as:

  • Template name: This field must be uniquely defined for the organization. Choose a name that makes the template distinguishable if you have multiple message templates. Examples: welcome | payment_update | delivery_status. Remember that special characters and numbers are not allowed in this field.

  • Language: Specify the language of the message content. The selected language must be the same as the text and contents entered in the message.

  • Phone number: Indicate which WhatsApp number will be linked to the template. This number will be visible to those who receive the message.

  • Email: Define the email address to which Zenvia should send update information about the registered template.

  • Category: Select the desired category, according to the criteria below.

💡Tip: Remember that, WhatsApp does not translate messages. For all messages to be approved, the text must be the same in all languages.

Message template categories

Categories are the types of message templates you can define to increase the likelihood of message approval on WhatsApp.

⚠️ Attention:From July 2024, Meta will update the category of an approved message template on its own if it determines that the registered category is not correct according to its guidelines. These changes will ensure that templates approved on WhatsApp are categorized accurately, so these checks will be carried out monthly, always on the 1st. It will be applied to both Marketing and Utility templates, with changes being made in both directions (Utility template upgraded to Marketing and vice versa). To this end, be aware that companies that have this change will receive prior notice from Zenvia before a model's category is updated.

In the Category field, you must indicate the function of the message template. The category must be equivalent to the theme/subject of the message. Otherwise, it may be rejected. Check out the available categories below.


This category enables user authentication with one-time passwords (generally, 4 to 8 digit codes) at various stages of the login process, for example: account verification, business account recovery, and security checks.

Message examples:

  • Your verification code is "12345".

  • Your verification code is "12345". It expires in 15 minutes.

  • Your verification code is "123456". For security, do not share this code.


This category is very important as it confirms payments, suspends or alters an existing transaction. It changes or updates a transaction, notifies an account, billing, or payment. These are widely used templates, as they are part of customers' daily routines.

Message examples:

  • The payment has been received. Enjoy the show!

  • Your order has been shipped and will be delivered on Friday.

  • Your password has been updated.

  • Your prepaid balance is low. Click here to reload it.

  • Your check-in is complete. Here is your boarding pass!

  • Reminder: you have an appointment scheduled for Wednesday at 4 p.m.

  • Here is the requested monthly statement.

  • Your profile has been updated!


This category is related to promotions and offers; welcome and farewell messages; invitations or recommendations; or even requests to respond or complete a new transaction. You should prioritize it if your templates are similar to these subjects.

Message examples:

  • Thank you for your order! Use code SAVE10 to receive 10% off your next order.

  • Hello, my name is "Maria". How can I assist you today?

  • Our store has changed its address. Now we are closer to you. Come check us out at Rua Padre Chagas, 222.

  • You missed your appointment. Click here to reschedule.

💡Tip: User-initiated conversations will be renamed to Services. This means that any conversation initiated by the user, such as a support request, is a service.

Remember that your WhatsApp message templates must fit into one of the categories presented above. Templates that do not align with these categories have a higher probability of being rejected by WhatsApp in the template approval process.

After defining the Category, click Next.

Message type

In this step, choose the desired message type. Here, we have a very important point because you must opt for one of the two types:

  • Simple message: the simple message can contain variables and has a limit of 1024 characters.

  • Message with header, media, footer, and buttons: the composite message allows only 160 characters in the template body.

After choosing the message type, click Next.

Template content

Templates created or edited in any API version need to use one of the new template categories. Additionally, category validation is part of the model analysis in all versions.

Simple message

In the simple message, you should only insert the body of the message, elaborating on the desired content. If you prefer, you can customize your message with variables.


A variable is the information and/or text of the message that will be replaced by personalized data from your clients.

For example, you can fill in your name, your client's name, their company's name, a product delivery date, time, etc. At the time of dispatch, you should inform the content of the variables.

Be specific and clear. WhatsApp reviewers may not be familiar with the company and need more clarity. Check for spelling errors and use appropriate formatting.

How to include a variable

For Message broadcast template use:

To include a variable, use double braces, the variable name, and close with double braces.

Hello, {{name}}. We received your message at {{time}} and will contact you as soon as possible.

For Sales template use:

Use the following formats:



{1} or {body_1}

contact name

{2} or {body_2}

agent name

{3} or {body_3}

group name


any other information

Example: Hello {1}. I am agent {2} from Company {3}. We received your message at {} and will contact you as soon as possible.

Following this format, the names of the contact, agent, or group are automatically filled during service.

Important Notes:

  • You can use variables in all text fields of the message template.

  • The character limit is 1024. If the variable exceeds this limit, an error will occur during sending.

⚠️ Attention: It is mandatory to inform examples for the variables when the message template is in the Marketing category.

Message with header, media, footer, and buttons

In this type of message, fill in the following fields:

  • Header text: the header is the title of your message. The header can contain text, image, document, or video. At the time of dispatch, in Zenvia's solution, there is information on how the media should be attached. It is worth mentioning that the media does not need to be previously registered and does not need to be fixed.

  • Message body: this is where your content can be elaborated. The character limit is 1024. When using header and/or buttons, the limit becomes 160. Here the same observations detailed for the simple message apply.

  • Footer: optional, but widely used for signatures, reminders, and notes. It cannot contain variables.

  • Buttons: buttons bring agility and simplicity to the message recipient, as they can interact by clicking on the screen instead of typing the response, for example.

Remember that, media is always sent at the time of dispatch. To create the message template, simply select which type of document will be attached. It is possible to send photos (JPEG, PNG), videos (MP4), and any type of document (DOC, PDF, CSV, XML, etc.). GIFs cannot be sent.

⚠️ Attention: WhatsApp does not analyze the content contained in the media, but we recommend following the rules of allowed content.

Buttons can be of the
Call to Action or Quick Reply type, as we will see next:

Call to Action

With this type of button, it is possible to insert a link to an action that the user needs to take. You can register two CTAs, one for phone and one for website, for example. This way, you ensure that the user goes to your website or calls your company.

You can also select the Call to Action button and choose the coupon code template type - Copy code. This type is widely used in promotional actions such as Black Friday.

Coupon code templates should be used in the Marketing category and display a single copy code button. When your client clicks the Copy code button, the code is copied to the clipboard, and they can easily insert the promotional code.

Remember that, for this type of Copy code button, there are some limitations such as:

Coupon code templates are not compatible with WhatsApp Web for clients. Codes have a limit of 15 characters. The button text cannot be customized.

Templates can have only one copy code button - Copy code.

Alternatively, you can select the Call to Action button and choose the Multiproduct message type - MPM - multiproduct message.

By opting to use the multiproduct message template, it is possible to improve contact engagement in marketing actions by presenting up to 30 products from the catalog from the first interaction.

For example, if you have delivery service at your establishment and want to display up to 30 products, organized into up to 10 sections, in a single WhatsApp message, your customers will be able to see the products and sections within the message, check the details of each product, and add and remove from the shopping cart.

It is possible to submit the cart and place the order. The multiproduct message template should be used in the Marketing category.

Messages for the MPM button type must have:


  • A header component (only necessary if the template uses a header variable).
  • A body component (only necessary if the template uses a body variable).
  • A single MPM button component.
  • Use the MPM button to define the sections and their respective titles that will appear when the customer taps the View items button, as well as to designate which products appear in each section.

Remember that, for this type of MPM button, there are some limitations such as:

  • To create the multiproduct template, the client must have an e-commerce product catalog, with inventory, connected to their WABA.
  • Customers must use WhatsApp version 2.22.24 or higher.
  • Multiproduct message templates cannot be redirected to other end users.

Quick Reply

With this type of button, it is possible to ask a question and provide pre-made response buttons, without the need for the end customer to type the response. Templates can have up to 10 quick reply buttons.

💡Tip: If you use quick reply buttons with other types of buttons, making a button mix, you will need to organize them into two groups: quick reply buttons and other buttons.

If they are grouped incorrectly, the API will return an error indicating an invalid combination.

Examples of valid button groupings:

  • Quick reply, quick reply.

  • Quick reply, quick reply, URL, phone.

  • URL, phone, quick reply, quick reply.

Examples of invalid groupings:

  • Quick reply, URL, quick reply.

  • URL, quick reply, URL.

💡Tip There is a limit of 20 characters for the button text. It is possible to insert variables in both types of buttons.

By selecting the Quick Reply button and choosing the Unsubscribe type, you will add the Opt-out action, which is the possibility for your contacts to unsubscribe from your marketing campaign message sending list.

By choosing to allow unsubscribing for your customers, you can include a quick reply button, with the Unsubscribe type in WhatsApp templates in the Marketing category.

This way, your customers can easily unsubscribe from receiving a marketing campaign, without needing to block your company.

Completion of WhatsApp message template registration

After selecting the desired button and type, you will reach the finalization step of your WhatsApp message template registration.

Click Finish, your template will go directly for WhatsApp approval, and then you just have to wait for the analysis.

⚠️ Attention: If you receive the error message "Sorry, we couldn't save your template" when finalizing the message model registration, please check the following points:

  • Unique Names: Ensure that each name is unique within the same channel. Duplicate names are not allowed.
  • Variables: Avoid using special characters in variables (such as $, commas, spaces, hyphens, cedillas, percentages, etc.). These characters may not be recognized correctly, which can cause errors in template creation.

💡Tip: The WhatsApp template approval or rejection process lasts only two minutes. Learn more about how approving WhatsApp templates via API works.

Remember that, by WhatsApp definition, templates that are awaiting approval or already approved can be edited. Validation becomes instant, following the normal flow, that is, they may or may not be approved. If the content of this template does not meet your needs or has spelling errors, you can delete it and create a new template.

Remember that, Rejected templates can be edited for you to try a new approval. However, Disabled templates cannot be edited. Zenvia sends emails with updates on the status of your template.

That´s it! WhatsApp message template registration process completed.


Registration of WhatsApp message templates in Zenvia Customer Cloud

Registering message templates in Zenvia Customer Cloud is easy and intuitive!

After integrating the WhatsApp channel, access the bottom left menu, Settings > Message Templates.

You have two buttons available on the top right side: Dispatch Report or Create New Template.

When selecting the Dispatch Report, you can generate a report with dispatch information for the current month or select another desired month.

If you already have created templates, to search for them just use the search or filter by desired status.

With that, you will see on this screen:

  • Template ID;

  • Name;

  • Status;

  • Quality rating;

  • Last update;

  • Options.

Under Options, in the icon , you can:

  • Edit the template;

  • Copy JSON;

  • Copy Template ID;

  • Delete template.

When selecting Create New Template. Check the step by step below:

Create WhatsApp template

In this step, fill in the general information of the message template, such as:

  • Template name: This field must be uniquely defined for the organization. Choose a name that makes the template distinguishable if you have multiple message templates. Examples: welcome | payment_update | delivery_status. Remember that special characters and numbers are not allowed in this field.

  • Language: Specify the language of the message content. The selected language must be the same as the text and contents entered in the message.

  • Phone number: Indicate which WhatsApp number will be linked to the template. This number will be visible to those who receive the message.

  • Email: Define the email address to which Zenvia should send update information about the registered template.

  • Category: Select the desired category, according to the criteria below.

💡Tip: Remember that, WhatsApp does not translate messages. For all messages to be approved, the text must be the same in all languages.

Message template categories

Categories are the types of message templates you can define to increase the likelihood of message approval on WhatsApp.

In the Category field, you must indicate what the function of the message template will be. The category should be equivalent to the theme/subject of the message. Otherwise, there may be disapproval. Check below for available categories.

Conversations initiated by companies have been divided into the following categories:


This category enables user authentication with one-time passwords (generally, 4 to 8 digit codes) at various stages of the login process, for example: account verification, business account recovery, and security checks.

Message examples:

  • Your verification code is "12345".

  • Your verification code is "12345". It expires in 15 minutes.

  • Your verification code is "123456". For security, do not share this code.


This category is very important as it confirms payments, suspends or alters an existing transaction. It changes or updates a transaction, notifies an account, billing, or payment. These are widely used templates, as they are part of customers' daily routines.

Message examples:

  • The payment has been received. Enjoy the show!

  • Your order has been shipped and will be delivered on Friday.

  • Your password has been updated.

  • Your prepaid balance is low. Click here to reload it.

  • Your check-in is complete. Here is your boarding pass!

  • Reminder: you have an appointment scheduled for Wednesday at 4 p.m.

  • Here is the requested monthly statement.

  • Your profile has been updated!


This category is related to promotions and offers; welcome and farewell messages; invitations or recommendations; or even requests to respond or complete a new transaction. You should prioritize it if your templates are similar to these subjects.

Message examples:

  • Thank you for your order! Use code SAVE10 to receive 10% off your next order.

  • Hello, my name is "Maria". How can I assist you today?

  • Our store has changed its address. Now we are closer to you. Come check us out at Rua Padre Chagas, 222.

  • You missed your appointment. Click here to reschedule.

💡Tip: User-initiated conversations will be renamed to Services. This means that any conversation initiated by the user, such as a support request, is a service.

Remember that your WhatsApp message templates must fit into one of the categories presented above. Templates that do not align with these categories have a higher probability of being rejected by WhatsApp in the template approval process.

After defining the Category, click Next.

Message type

In this step, choose the desired message type. Here, we have a very important point because you must opt for one of the two types:

  • Simple message: the simple message can contain variables and has a limit of 1024 characters.

  • Message with header, media, footer, and buttons: the composite message allows only 160 characters in the template body.

After choosing the message type, click Next.

Template content

Templates created or edited in any API version need to use one of the new template categories. Additionally, category validation is part of the model analysis in all versions.

Simple message

In the simple message, you should only insert the body of the message, elaborating on the desired content. If you prefer, you can customize your message with variables.


A variable is the information and/or text of the message that will be replaced by personalized data from your clients.

For example, you can fill in your name, your client's name, their company's name, a product delivery date, time, etc. At the time of dispatch, you should inform the content of the variables.

Be specific and clear. WhatsApp reviewers may not be familiar with the company and need more clarity. Check for spelling errors and use appropriate formatting.

How to include a variable

To include a variable, simply use two curly braces, the variable name, and close the two braces.

Example: "Hello, {{name}}. We received your message at {{hours}} and will get back to you as soon as possible."

You can use variables in all text fields of the message template. The character limit is 1024. If the variable exceeds this character limit, an error will occur in the dispatch.

⚠️ Attention: It is mandatory to inform examples for the variables when the message template is in the Marketing category.

Message with header, media, footer, and buttons

In this type of message, choose the following fields:

  • Header text: the header is the title of your message. The header can contain text, image, document, or video. At the time of dispatch, in Zenvia's solution, there is information on how the media should be attached. It is worth mentioning that the media does not need to be previously registered and does not need to be fixed.

💡Tip Media is always sent at the time of dispatch.

To create the message template, simply select which type of document will be attached. It is possible to send photos (JPEG, PNG), videos (MP4), and any type of document (DOC, PDF, CSV, XML, etc.). GIFs cannot be sent.

⚠️ Attention: WhatsApp does not analyze the content contained in the media, but we recommend following the rules of allowed content.

  • Message body: this is where your content can be elaborated. The character limit is 1024. When using header and/or buttons, the limit becomes 160. Here the same observations detailed for the simple message apply.

  • Footer: optional, but widely used for signatures, reminders, and notes. It cannot contain variables.

  • Buttons: buttons bring agility and simplicity to the message recipient, as they can interact by clicking on the screen instead of typing the response, for example.

Buttons can be of the Call to Action or Quick Reply type, as we will see next:

Call to Action

With this type of button, it is possible to insert a link to an action that the user needs to take. You can register two CTAs, one for phone and one for website, for example. This way, you ensure that the user goes to your website or calls your company.

You can also select the Call to Action button and choose the coupon code template type - Copy code. This type is widely used in promotional actions such as Black Friday.

Coupon code templates should be used in the Marketing category and display a single copy code button. When your client clicks the Copy code button, the code is copied to the clipboard, and they can easily insert the promotional code.

Remember that, for this type of Copy code button, there are some limitations such as:

Coupon code templates are not compatible with WhatsApp Web for clients. Codes have a limit of 15 characters. The button text cannot be customized.

Templates can have only one copy code button - Copy code.

Alternatively, you can select the Call to Action button and choose the Multiproduct message type - MPM - multiproduct message.

By opting to use the multiproduct message template, it is possible to improve contact engagement in marketing actions by presenting up to 30 products from the catalog from the first interaction.

For example, if you have delivery service at your establishment and want to display up to 30 products, organized into up to 10 sections, in a single WhatsApp message, your customers will be able to see the products and sections within the message, check the details of each product, and add and remove from the shopping cart.

It is possible to submit the cart and place the order. The multiproduct message template should be used in the Marketing category.

Messages for the MPM button type must have:

A header component (only necessary if the template uses a header variable).

A body component (only necessary if the template uses a body variable).

A single MPM button component.

Use the MPM button to define the sections and their respective titles that will appear when the customer taps the View items button, as well as to designate which products appear in each section.

Remember that, for this type of MPM button, there are some limitations such as:

To create the multiproduct template, the client must have an e-commerce product catalog, with inventory, connected to their WABA.

Customers must use WhatsApp version 2.22.24 or higher.

Multiproduct message templates cannot be redirected to other end users.

Quick Reply

With this type of button, it is possible to ask a question and provide pre-made response buttons, without the need for the end customer to type the response. Templates can have up to 10 quick reply buttons.

💡Tip: If you use quick reply buttons with other types of buttons, making a button mix, you will need to organize them into two groups: quick reply buttons and other buttons.

If they are grouped incorrectly, the API will return an error indicating an invalid combination.

Examples of valid button groupings:

  • Quick reply, quick reply.

  • Quick reply, quick reply, URL, phone.

  • URL, phone, quick reply, quick reply.

Examples of invalid groupings:

  • Quick reply, URL, quick reply.

  • URL, quick reply, URL.

💡Tip There is a limit of 20 characters for the button text. It is possible to insert variables in both types of buttons.

By selecting the Quick Reply button and choosing the Unsubscribe type, you will add the Opt-out action, which is the possibility for your contacts to unsubscribe from your marketing campaign message sending list.

By choosing to allow unsubscribing for your customers, you can include a quick reply button, with the Unsubscribe type in WhatsApp templates in the Marketing category.

This way, your customers can easily unsubscribe from receiving a marketing campaign, without needing to block your company.

Completion of WhatsApp message template registration

After selecting the desired button and type, you will reach the finalization step of your WhatsApp message template registration.

Click Finish, your template will go directly for WhatsApp approval, and then you just have to wait for the analysis.

💡Tip: The WhatsApp template approval or rejection process lasts only two minutes.

Remember that, by WhatsApp definition, templates that are awaiting approval or already approved can be edited. Validation becomes instant, following the normal flow, that is, they may or may not be approved.

If the content of this template does not meet your needs or has spelling errors, you can delete it and create a new template.

Remember that, Rejected templates can be edited for you to try a new approval. However, Disabled templates cannot be edited.

Zenvia sends emails with updates on the status of your template.

Done! WhatsApp message template registration process completed.