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02. Integrate the WebChat channel into Zenvia Customer Cloud
4 min
Created by Ligia Sarmento on 3/7/2024 8:46 AM
Updated by Ligia Sarmento on 5/8/2024 3:45 PM

The Webchat channel allows you to provide services through your company's website.

Through the widget, which is the interface available on the site, customers can "call" your service operation for interaction. This way, you can:

  • Customize your chat: change the color, insert your logo, and choose the welcome message for your chat.

  • Create a conversation flow: choose one of Zenvia's tools to create the conversation flow.

  • Connect with your customers: embed WebChat in your website's code and offer online support to your customers.

Clients with an active plan have access to various channels, including WebChat. The channels are available in a single package, with their respective unit prices. For more information, check the Plans and Contracts article.

⚠️ Attention: This functionality is only available for users with Operator or Admin profiles.

The integration of WebChat plays a central role in the modules offered by Zenvia Customer Cloud and is, therefore, the first step before using some of the available features.

For example, in the Customer Service module, some types of campaigns that companies can run with WebChat include:

  • Analyzing the number of archived interactions in a specific month.

  • Checking detailed information about interactions by period, team, and agents.

  • Assessing the effectiveness of conversion strategies, optimizing communication with customers, identifying engagement trends, measuring team productivity, and making more informed decisions.

Activate the WebChat channel

To connect it:

  1. In the side menu, choose Settings > Channels.

  2. In WebChat, click Customize.

To customize:

  1. Click on Create webchat now.

  2. Enter an identification name > proceed with Next.

  3. Configure the appearance. Set the color of the floating button and the size of the conversation window.

  4. Personalize the interaction by including, for example, your brand's logo and avatar.

  5. Include the message you desire.

  6. Define the behavior of the Webchat.

Done! All created WebChats will be saved on the main screen of the channel, in a dropdown list. The list contains information such as Page Title, WebChat ID, Created at, Last Update, Service, and Actions.

Under the Actions section, you can:

  • Assign service: Assign the WebChat to a specific agent or service group so that all messages received through it are handled by the responsible person or team. To learn more, read the article on Contact Assignment in Zenvia Customer Cloud.
  • Delete Webchat: Before deleting, make sure you are certain about the action.
  • Configure embed: In the Snippet tab, copy the codes to add the flow to your website. In the Link tab, copy the URL of your WebChat.

Take advantage of optimizing your communication with Zenvia Customer Cloud: explore the functionality of the Customer inbox, where you can streamline communication with your customers and enhance your conversion strategies all in one place.

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