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01. Analysis of contact behavior
5 min
Created by Leonora Alves on 3/8/2024 10:30 AM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 3/8/2024 4:13 PM

The Contact Behavior panel of Zenvia Customer Cloud provides a centralized view of metrics related to your base and conversations held with these contacts, regardless of the channel.

This feature helps understand the dynamics between your brand and your consumers, as it provides information and insights into interactions and engagement with your customers. Thus, it's possible to make more informed decisions and improve your relationship with your audience.

⚠️ Attention: This functionality is available only for users with Operator or Admin profiles.

To get started, go to Analytics > Contacts in the side menu. Next, review the description of the data generated on the panel.

Panel data


The first four blocks show the quantity of interactions in the last 90 days. With this information, you can visualize contacts without interaction and monitor the engagement of your base.

  • Total contacts: all contacts in your base;
  • Contacts with interaction: all contacts that interacted with a message in the last 90 days;
  • Contacts without interaction: the difference between total contacts and contacts with interaction;
  • Interaction rate: the percentage of contacts with interaction in relation to the total contacts.

Conversation funnels

In general terms, funnel charts illustrate how data moves in a particular process:

  • The engagement funnel shows the process by which your customers interact and engage with your messages, allowing you to assess whether your communication model is attracting your contacts enough to initiate a conversation;
  • The customer service and message broadcast funnel shows whether the communication sent by the Message broadcast module is attracting the customer enough to generate conversations in the Customer service module.

💡 Tip: The charts on the panel are interactive. Just hover the mouse cursor over them to see detailed information.

Engagement Funnel

The engagement funnel is divided into five levels. As you go down the funnel, you find the quantity of contacts:

  1. First level: created, regardless of the solution;
  2. Second level: with a message in the last 90 days;
  3. Third level: with delivery and confirmed reading;
  4. Fourth level: with only confirmed reading;
  5. Fifth level: with a response.

Customer service and Message broadcast funnel

The solutions funnel is divided into two levels:

  1. First level: all contacts with a message in the Message broadcast module in the selected period;
  2. Second level: all contacts from the first level, with a message in the Customer service module in the selected period.

Base distribution by region and time

The charts in this section show where your contacts are located and the volume of their interactions over time.

Geographical distribution

The map shows the states with the most contacts in the base, indicating the proportion of each state. This allows you to identify regions with a higher concentration of contacts and those with a lower presence.

Information about the contact's state is obtained through the area code of people who had interactions in the last 90 days in each of the solutions.

Interactions by solution over time

The chart shows the evolution of contacts per month, allowing you to assess the growth of your base.

The information includes contacts from the organization that had an interaction in the last six months (180 days) from the selected period.

Interactions by day and time

The heat map uses colors to show the intensity of interactions by day of the week and by hour.

Interaction volume

The map records the quantity of customer responses and the moments when they interacted the most with your communications.

Points with higher activity (i.e., with more responses) are represented in strong red, while points with lower activity (with fewer responses) are displayed in lighter shades of red.

Done! With this information, you can monitor the behavior of your contacts and make decisions that help increase the reach of your brand and sales conversion.

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