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06. Sales API in Zenvia Customer Cloud
4 min
Created by Karine Moreira on 3/14/2024 2:50 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 3/14/2024 3:36 PM

The Sales API in Zenvia Customer Cloud was developed to asynchronously integrate leads into Zenvia Customer Cloud, allowing you to receive a webhook with their results.

Learn in this article how to activate the integration in your account and how to configure your API.

⚠️ Attention: Integrating an API requires advanced technical knowledge, so it's important to seek help from a developer. Only users with Operator or Admin profiles have access to this functionality.

How to activate the Sales API integration

To activate the Sales API in Zenvia Customer Cloud, follow these steps:

1. Access Sales > Integrations;

2. Click on the icon in the bottom right corner;

3. Select the API Access item;

4. Configure the necessary permissions, such as your assignment and access levels;

5. Save the API key code.

Done! Integration activated.

💡 Tip: You can only access the API routes if you provide an API key in the calls. This key can always be accessed in your list of integrations.

Sales API Concepts

Some terms are exclusive to the Sales module in Zenvia Customer Cloud. Learn more about each one:


Lead is the basic information of a contact that has entered your database. Leads can have different origins, whether they come from integrations (Mercado Libre or PayPal) or channels (WhatsApp or Instagram).

Every Sales contact is created from lead data. Each lead is linked to a Prospect. Zenvia Customer Cloud is capable of identifying and merging leads that share the same data.


Lead 1: { phone: +55 51 987654321 }

Lead 2: { phone: +55 51 987654321, email: 'address@provider.com' }

In this example, Lead 2 has the same phone number as Lead 1, so the software understands that it is the same contact and groups this information, turning this Lead into a Prospect.

The link to the technical documentation is available at https://sales.zenvia.com/#tag/Leads


Prospect is the name that contacts available for interactions in the Sales module in Zenvia Customer Cloud receive. Every Prospect is a potential customer and has at least one Lead as a basis.

The identifier of a prospect is a 24-character key containing letters and numbers. This identifier is different from that used by the Contacts API, where the standard is UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.

The link to the technical documentation is available at https://sales.zenvia.com/#tag/Prospects


Agents is a user profile in Zenvia Customer Cloud that interacts with Prospects through the Sales module. Refer to the Add and manage organization users article to learn more about this topic.

The link to the technical documentation is available at https://sales.zenvia.com/#tag/Agents


Groups are the groups that users of Zenvia Customer Cloud are part of. You can have more than one group, and it's possible to configure Sales in your groups.

The link to the technical documentation is available at https://sales.zenvia.com/#tag/Groups