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08. Mercado Pago Analytics
2 min
Created by Karine Moreira on 4/26/2024 12:02 PM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 5/16/2024 12:34 PM

For users who have Mercado Pago integration in Zenvia Customer Cloud, this functionality of the Analytics module provides information about the status of generated payment links.

These links are sent in conversations with your contacts through the Customer Inbox. To learn how to integrate Mercado Pago, refer to this article: Mercado Pago Integration.

⚠️ Attention: This functionality is available to users with Viewer, Operator, and Admin profiles.

How to analyze Mercado Pago data

The Mercado Pago Analytics screen shows the following status of generated payment links:

  • Pending: when the contact has not yet made the payment.
  • Rejected: denied payment operations.
  • Sales: successfully completed payment operations.
  • Total Charged: total amount of sales made through the Mercado Pago system with Zenvia Customer Cloud.

Payment links per Agent

In this section, you can view details about the payment status of each user with the Agent profile.

Payment link details

In this section, you can view the following information:

  • Date sent;
  • User who sent;
  • Contact who received;
  • Status;
  • Total amount;
  • units sold in each link.

💡Tip: You can download the data in a CSV file by clicking on the download icon .

There you go! With this information, you can monitor your company's sales conversion and identify your pending and completed payments in Zenvia Customer Cloud.

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