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07. Integration of the Quotes App
5 min
Created by Karine Moreira on 5/2/2024 11:08 AM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 5/16/2024 12:39 PM

The Quotes App simplifies the creation and sending of quotes to your contacts via WhatsApp, allowing you to register and measure all sales made through Zenvia Customer Cloud.

Additionally, with this integration, you can manage your company's product catalog, configure additional fields to export a quote as a PDF, and extract reports for strategic analysis.

For example, when a customer requests a quote for a product, you can send it as a PDF in the same conversation with the contact. Upon conversion to a sale, you change the status of the quote.

⚠️ Attention: This feature is only available to users with Operator and Admin profiles.

How to install the application

To do this, follow these steps:

1. Access Sales > Integrations in the side menu;

2. Click the plus button ;

3. Search for Quotes;

4. Select a group for assignment;

5. Click Install.

Ready! The application is installed.

💡 Tip: The Quotes App allows the closure of interactions. When configuring the application, remember to adjust the option Act as user.

Configuring Quotes

To configure the application, go to: Sales > Integrations > Quotes.

You can adjust the following items:


In Catalog, choose whether to allow Agents to add new products to your catalog when creating a new quote, manually or via CSV file.

To view all your products registered in Zenvia Customer Cloud, click Show Catalog. To import your products via CSV file, click Load.

Avoid errors in your upload by using our CSV file template available by clicking Download Template. Do not use special characters in prices when registering products. Only numbers are accepted. Example: ✅ 5000.

💡 Tip: You can download all the content of your Catalog.

Additional Fields

You can include additional fields to add extra data to your quotes, such as emails, phones, texts, or ID. Additionally, you can choose to add them when exporting the quote as a PDF.

To use this feature, click Show additional fields and fill in the columns. Then, click Save.

Customize the Appearance of the Quote

In the application settings, choose an image to use as a group identifier and header in each sent quote, such as your brand logo. Simply click Select image and upload an image in JPEG or PNG format, with a maximum size of 2MB.


Finally, choose from the following options:

  • Close a contact with each sale;
  • Automatically close contacts with "Sale" reasons;
  • Never close contacts with sales.

How to Make a Quote

In Sales, go to the chat of the desired contact to create a quote. 

Press the more options button and then Quotes

Select the products, quantity, define the Status, and include the total value or comment, if necessary.

💡 Tip: During customer evaluation, the status will be Pending. If the quote is approved, mark it as Closed and select the sale date. If it is rejected, mark it as Rejected.

After saving the quote, you will receive an internal record in the chat with the ID, status, Product Details, and Total. To send the quote to the customer, click on the PDF icon in the top right corner of the quote.

💡 Tip: Whenever you want, you can edit information such as date, status, or price of the quote by clicking View Quote. You can also review the change history.

How to Record a Sale

To record a sale in Zenvia Customer Cloud, follow these steps:

1. Go to Sales, in the side menu;

2. Enter the chat of the desired contact;

3. Click the more options icon ;

4. Select Record Sale;

5. Enter the product name(s), quantity, sale date, and additional information, if necessary. At the end, click Save.

Ready! Now you know how to use this application in your account and can share quotes through conversations in the Customer Inbox.

💡 Tip: To analyze the generated quotes, see the article: Quotes Analytics.