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01. Account Preferences
2 min
Created by Maria Malheiro on 7/2/2024 3:01 PM
Updated by Maria Malheiro on 9/18/2024 3:10 PM

Here, you should configure the preferences related to the features and apply them to your entire account.

To access this feature, go to Zenvia Chat - Administrator ProfileSettings > Account Preferences.

Automatic Distribution 

By enabling the direct and automatic distribution feature, the following changes will be applied:

  • When you enable the direct and automatic distribution feature, the following changes will be applied:
  • Agents from all departments will receive service requests automatically, without viewing or interacting with the service queue;
  • Agents cannot manually direct service requests to the pending queue;
  • Customers who take too long and exceed the response wait time limit will lose priority and will automatically be redirected to "pending," freeing up the agent for other conversations;
  • If the agent experiences a connection drop, the ongoing service will be redirected to the highest-priority queue, and another agent will be able to continue the conversation;
  • Services in the inactive queue will be automatically closed;
  • This new general distribution rule for the entire account will replace the distribution preferences configured individually in each department.

How to configure

To configure and customize your direct and automatic distribution, go to the Agents area on the platform and access the Bulk Configuration button. If the configuration is not set, the distribution will work as a default setting. 

Automatically close inactive services

By enabling this function, inactive services from all departments will no longer appear in the table. Existing inactive services will not be closed.

Done! The process of finalizing appointments is complete.

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