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06. Creating a conversational flow from scratch
5 min
Created by Ligia Sarmento on 7/16/2024 11:18 AM
Updated by Ligia Sarmento on 7/25/2024 5:41 PM

Creating a conversational flow is the process where you configure the chatbot to serve your customers.

In this article, you will find a detailed tutorial on how to design the bot structure in the Constructor, using the available content. Read carefully and use this material as a basis to have autonomy and create any type of flow chatbot.

💡 Tip: Learn the function of all possible contents to add to your chatbot flow in the article Adding content to the chatbot Constructor.

Starting to build the bonversational flow of a Chatbot

  1. Access Zenvia Customer Cloud.

  2. Click on Chatbots > Chatbot List > Create new Chatbot.

  3. Click on Select in the Flow Chatbots.

  4. Give the chatbot a name > Click on Blank > Create Chatbot.

You will be directed to the chatbot Constructor. Next, let's understand how to create the flow.

Step 1: Defining the start of the flow

The first step is to define a block as the start so that your flow starts from some point upon customer contact:

  1. Click Add block in the lower left corner of the Constructor.

  2. In Block Details, define a name. It can be "start".

  3. In Marker, set the tag as Start.

  4. Write a greeting text defining an output: Click Add content > Text Message. Example: Hi, I'm a test chatbot!

Step 2: Defining the continuity of the flow

The second step is to define a next destination, such as collecting the user's name:

  1. Click Add block.

  2. In Block Details, define a name. It can be "Collect_name".

  3. Add a Text Message content to explain what you want. Example: Please enter your name.

  4. Add one more content for Data Entry, where the customer can enter their name. For this, choose the Open field content.

  5. Connect the two blocks so the bot understands that after sending the greeting message, it should collect the user's name: Select the Start block > Click on Destination > Find Default destination in the lower corner > Click on the icon and direct it to the Collect_name block.

Now that you have collected the user's name, you can thank them and ask how you can help by calling them by name using a Variable to personalize the message.

  1. In the Collect_name block, click on Variables > Fill variable > and choose Name.

Done. Now, once the bot collects the name, it will be saved in the variable both to use during the conversation and to pass to the human attendant if necessary.

💡 Tip: Always remember to click Save changes in the lower left corner of the screen to not lose your creation.

Done! Your chatbot already sends a greeting and collects the user's name. Shall we go further?

Step 3: Connecting flows and continuing communication

Now you can configure the bot to ask the user how it can help, calling them by name.

  1. Click Add block.

  2. In Block Details, define a name. It can be "Help".

  3. Add a Text Message content and add the variable. Example: “How can I help, <?$name?>?

  4. Connect the two blocks so the bot understands that after receiving the name, it should ask how it can help: Select the Collect_name block > Click on Destination > Find Default destination in the lower corner > Click on the icon and direct it to the Help block.

Step 4: Testing the flow so far

After completing the first three steps, click Save changes > Test chatbot and see your progress so far.

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