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02. Adding Content in the Chatbot Constructor
4 min
Created by Ligia Sarmento on 7/18/2024 5:42 PM
Updated by Ligia Sarmento on 8/13/2024 3:38 PM

Learn about all the possible content you can add to your chatbot's flow. This content allows you to develop your virtual assistant, determining how it should greet users and what actions it should perform.

There are three types of content available, and in this article, we present them all separately: Data output, Data input, and Conversation actions.

To locate them:

  1. Access the Chatbot Constructor.
  2. Click on the flow block where you want to insert content or on Add block if none exists.
  3. Choose Add content.

Data Output

This type of content allows the chatbot to provide information to users, such as welcome messages, answers to frequently asked questions, or any other communication the virtual assistant needs to perform.

The data output options are:

Text message 

Create a message, such as a greeting, question, or data request.

Send file 

Insert the URL of a file to allow the chatbot to send images or documents to the user during the conversation. For example, a bill duplicate or a user manual for a specific product.

Data Input

Here, the chatbot collects information from users, such as names, emails, preferences, or any other data necessary to personalize the experience or process requests.

The data input options are:

Open field 

Allows users to input free-text responses, providing flexibility to capture detailed and personalized information such as problem descriptions or feedback.

File request 

Allows users to upload files, such as documents, images, or any other type of attachment needed to complete a request or provide additional information.


Presents users with a list of predefined options to choose the most appropriate response, facilitating navigation and quick decision-making within the interaction flow.

Satisfaction Survey 

Collects feedback from users about their experience with the chatbot, usually through structured questions.

Conversation Actions

This content covers the operations that the chatbot can execute during the interaction, such as sending data to a CRM, making a sale, or initiating automated processes based on user responses and actions.

The conversation actions options are:

End conversation 

Ends the current interaction between the chatbot and the user, potentially including a farewell message or a thank you for participating.

Transfer conversation 

Redirects the chatbot conversation to a human agent, useful for situations requiring a more personalized or complex approach.

To learn more, visit the article Sending the bot conversation to a human agent.

Intelligent response based on the internet 

Provides users with responses using real-time information obtained from the internet, allowing updates and answers based on the latest data.

Intelligent response based on file 

Generates responses from the contents added to your AI Library, whether it's a file or a URL.

API call 

Allows the user to include an API within the chatbot and make calls to send data to your CRM, consult customer information in databases, or even send external communications.

Consult ZIP code 

Used to search for details of the ZIP code entered by the customer. It receives the number entered by the user during the conversation and, from it, fetches complementary data such as street, neighborhood, city, and state.

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