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Invalid contacts
7 min
Created by Leonora Alves on 8/8/2024 9:22 AM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 3/25/2025 4:32 PM

Identify and correct duplicate or incorrect information contacts to ensure that your entire base is ready to receive messages in Contacts > Invalid Contacts.

⚠️ Attention: This feature is available only for users with Operator and Admin profiles.

Types of Identified Inconsistencies

Inconsistencies are identified during the inclusion of contacts. These are:

Type of Inconsistency Description

Malformed address

Invalid format.

Phone numbers: May include invalid characters such as letters, spaces, or disallowed symbols. Example: number with letters or invalid punctuation marks.

Email addresses: Can occur due to errors like missing the "@" symbol or domain. Example: "user@example" instead of "user@example.com", or extra spaces and invalid special characters.

Local only

Refers to numbers that have only the area code without including the country code. Indicates that the number is valid only for local calls and cannot be used for international calls. Example: number with area code without the country code.

Invalid country code

The country code should be a number that corresponds to a specific country (e.g., "+1" for the USA, "+55" for Brazil). An invalid country code might be one that does not exist or is not associated with a recognized country.

Too short

The number has fewer digits than required to be valid in a country. Example: number that should have 10 digits but has only 8.

Invalid length

Phone numbers: The length of the number may be incorrect relative to the country's standard. Example: number with more or fewer digits than expected.

Email addresses: The total length may be too long or too short. The length should generally be between 3 and 254 characters.

Missing DDI or DDD

Refers to numbers that do not include the international country code and/or the local area code necessary for sending. Example: a number with only the local area code and missing the "+55" for Brazil.

Too long

The number exceeded the maximum allowed size for valid numbers in a country. Example: number with more digits than expected for a national or international call.


The origins of the contacts can be:

  • API: Contacts inserted via API calls made by developers or external systems.
  • Interface: Contacts added manually or imported via .csv file.
  • Integration: Contacts imported or synchronized from integrated systems, such as Omie, for example.
  • Internal Systems: Contacts added from another Zenvia tool (Zenvia Attraction, Zenvia Conversion, Movidesk).

How to validate my contacts

There are three tabs to locate invalid contacts, depending on the type of information:

  • Numbers: Shows inconsistencies related to phone numbers.

  • Emails: Shows inconsistencies related to email addresses.

  • External Corrections: Shows contacts that need to be corrected both in Zenvia Customer Cloud and in the source base, such as in external systems (e.g., Omie).

In the tab with inconsistencies:

  1. Filter contacts by type of inconsistency and/or by source;

  2. Perform manual or bulk validation.

Manual validation

  1. Locate the contact in the list;Click on the contact’s information to correct the specific data;

  2. If needed, edit other details by clicking the pencil icon , such as the contact's name.

    1. To delete the contact, click the trash icon .

Bulk validation

  1. Click Find and replace: Locate this option to start the replacement process;

  2. Choose where to replace: Decide whether to replace the text or number at the beginning, at the end, or anywhere in the phone or email;

  3. Type the current text or number you want to replace and click Find;

  4. Type the new text or number: In the Replace with field, enter the new text or number that will replace the old one.

  5. Select Replace all to change the occurrences of the old text or number at once.

How to fix inconsistencies

Follow best practices to avoid inconsistencies in contacts.

For phone numbers

Ensure that all numbers are correctly formatted with the country code, area code, and the full local number. For example:

United States: Consider the format Country Code + Area Code + Phone Number, noting that the country code is +1. Therefore, the format would be: 1(AAA)XXX-XXXX, where AAA represents the area code and XXX-XXXX represents the phone number.
The correct format is +55 (XX) XXXX-XXXX. Example: +55 (11) 98765-4321.

Argentina: Include the number 9 between the country code and area code, without spaces or dashes. Example: 54911 1234-5678.

💡 Tip: Remove dashes, spaces, and additional dots to avoid errors when sending messages.

For Email addresses

Ensure that the addresses are in the standard format: email@domain.com.

Done! Your contacts have been validated and are ready to receive messages.

Have questions about contact validation?

Check out Best Practices for Validating Contacts in Zenvia Customer Cloud.

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