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05. SLA Details
3 min
Created by Karine Moreira on 8/15/2024 4:09 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 10/4/2024 10:34 AM

In SLA Details, you can view all the information about the SLA of Support service tickets.

Find information about:

⚠️ Attention: This feature is available for Viewer, Agent, Operator, and Admin profiles.

How to View SLA Details

To access the SLA details, follow these steps:

1. Go to Support Service > Tickets.

2. Select the desired ticket.

3. Click on Options > SLA Details in the upper right corner, next to the ticket status.

How to Analyze SLA Details

On the SLA Details screen, you will find the following information:


Applied Contract: Name of the SLA contract.

Applied Rule: Name of the SLA rule.

Calendar: Business or calendar hours.

Response SLA: Time taken for the first response.

Solution SLA: Time taken for SLA resolution.

Number of Agent Actions SLA: Number of actions performed by agents.

Number of processed by agents: Number of actions transferred to other agents.

Current Status: Current SLA status (e.g., New).

Opening Date: Date and time the SLA was opened.

Deadline for First Response: Deadline for responding to the customer.

Actual Date of First Response: Date the customer was responded to.

Expiration date Set by: Responsible user (system, agent, customer, etc.).

Due Date: Remaining time, date, and time.

Date of Completion: Date and time the SLA was completed.

Time on Pause: Total time the SLA was paused.


Due Date: Date and time of the SLA due date.

Paused: Indicates if the SLA is paused (Yes or No).

SLA Resolution: Date and time of resolution.

Deadline: Due date for the first response.

SLA Response: Time of the response.

Actions of Agent: Number of actions performed by the agent.

Contract: Name of the SLA contract.

Rule: Name of the SLA rule.

Changed by: Name of the user who made changes.

Manual: Indicates if the due date change was made manually.


In the Notifications section, you can view information by Expiration or First Answer:

%SLA: Percentage of SLA fulfillment.

Type: Name of the notification type sent.

Shipping forecast: Date and time scheduled for notification sending.

Estimated notification: Recipients of the notification.

Sent: Indicates if the notification was sent.

Sent to: Names of recipients if the notification was sent.

Shipping date: Date and time the notification was sent.

Trigger: Name of the trigger that activated the notification.

Done! Now you know all the details about Support SLAs.

⚠️ Attention: Information in SLA Details is not updated in real-time. To see updated information, close and reopen the screen.

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