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06. Transfer contacts for sales chat in automation flows
4 min
Created by Leonora Alves on 8/30/2024 10:44 AM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 3/31/2025 12:05 PM

Automatically transfer contacts who respond to your campaign to support with a specific agent or team. This way, you will increase the chances of conversion by making the most of each interaction.

In this article, learn how to set up the transfer in an automation flow.

Understand the feature 

Before using the feature, ensure the following:

  • You have the WhatsApp channel contracted and configured in Zenvia Customer Cloud.
  • The selected groups and agents for support are linked to the sender's WhatsApp number. See below.

How to assign support to the account?

Assigning support ensures contacts are directed to the correct agent or group. Follow the steps below to assign correctly:

  1. Go to Settings > Channels in Zenvia Customer Cloud;
  2. Search for WhatsApp and click Manage;
  3. Find the connected account responsible for sending, and in the actions column, click the icon atribuir-grupo.png to assign support;
  4. Select how you want to assign the channel:
    1. Assign to a group: Select the team responsible for sales support.
    2. Assign to an agent: Select the person responsible for sales support.
    3. Do not assign support: The support will appear in Sales > Customer Inbox > Queud.
  5. Click Save.

💡 Tip: You can configure how contacts will be assigned to support groups in the Sales > Settings menu. For example, you can automatically distribute contacts between available agents using the "Radar" rule. Learn how contact assignment works in commercial support settings.

Create a flow with transfer to support

After creating a new flow and selecting the activation trigger, you need to set up the WhatsApp message sending:

  1. In the flow editor, click the + icon to add a new step.
  2. Select Send message and choose the WhatsApp channel:
    1. Name the step and select the trigger number.
    2. Choose the pre-approved message template by Meta linked to the trigger number.
    3. Enable the Wait for contact's response option so the flow continues only after the contact responds.
    4. Click Confirm.
  3. Add a new step by clicking + and select Transfer to sales chat.
  4. Give a name to the message and define the message to be sent before the transfer.
  5. Choose the group or agentto whom you want to transfer the contacts who respond to the message:
    1. Assign to an agent: Select a specific user/agent.
    2. Assign to a group: Select one of the configured groups.
  6. Click Confirm.
  7. To start using the flow, click Activate automation in the top right corner. Alternatively, click Save and access your flows under Analytics > Message broadcast > Automation performance.

What happens when contacts respond to the automation message?

Contacts who respond will be in Support > Support Inbox of the assigned person. If you don't assign a specific group or agent during configuration, the support will be automatically directed to the default group, following the rules of that group.

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