The connection with the ERP allows synchronization of transactions made with your contacts in Zenvia Customer Cloud, showing data such as date, time, amount, and products purchased in the last transaction. This integration enables campaign segmentation based on your customer's consumption behavior.
How to connect ERP transactions
Go to Settings > Integrations in Zenvia Customer Cloud.
Locate and connect your ERP.
Information about the last purchase will appear on the contact profile.
💡 Tip: Check the detailed instructions on how to set up ERP integrations at Zenvia Customer Cloud Integrations.
View information on the contact profile
In the side menu, click on Contacts > Contact base.
Find the desired contact and click on their name to access the profile.
The transactions section will display the last purchase with details such as date, time, amount, and products acquired.
How to locate contacts for a campaign
Option 1: Using filters in the Contact base
Go to Contacts > Contact base.
Click on the filter icon
Select the criterion Last purchase date and define the desired period.
Use the contacts found directly in a campaign.
Option 2: Creating a segmentation rule
Imagine you want to reactivate customers who haven’t made a purchase in 60 days. Just set up a segmentation rule according to the following instructions and trigger a campaign with a suggestive title like “We Miss You!” to encourage them to return to buying.
Go to Contacts > Segmentation rules.
Click on New segmentation rule.
Name the rule, for example, “We Miss You”.
Set up the rule:
Filter: All contacts
Criterion: Last purchase date
Condition: Select between variable period (e.g., last 30 days) or fixed period (e.g., exact date).
Save and apply this rule in a campaign to reach the segmented contacts.
⚠️ Attention: Avoid applying this segmentation rule to one or more lists, as they do not update automatically. This means that if a customer makes a new purchase after the creation of a list, they will remain in it. We recommend using the rule directly in the trigger.
Automatic segmentation rules
After activating the integration, standard segmentation rules are automatically created to facilitate campaigns based on purchase history. Examples include:
Title: Last purchase in the last 30 to 45 days
Rule: Last transaction date greater than 30 and less than 45Title: Last purchase in the last 45 to 60 days
Rule: Last transaction date greater than 45 and less than 60And so on for periods of 60 to 90 days and 90 to 180 days.