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[Enterprise] How to create and export custom ticket reports
6 min
Created by Leonora Alves on 11/14/2024 3:36 PM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 3/28/2025 3:59 PM

The Custom Reports feature allows the management and export of detailed ticket reports, enabling the creation, editing, and deletion of reports according to the needs of support journey analysis. This article explains how to access, use, and customize these reports.

Accessing Reports

Conditions for Access

The Custom Reports menu will be displayed in the sidebar only for users with access profiles that meet at least one of the following conditions in Access Profile > Reports:

  1. Having the configuration Allow viewing custom reports enabled AND having at least one dashboard shared with a team the user is part of; OR

  2. Having at least one dashboard shared with all agents; OR

  3. Having the configuration Allow creating personal custom reports enabled; OR

  4. Having the configuration Allow creating and editing shared custom report dashboards.

Using Custom Reports

When accessing the menu, the screen will display the available reports on the left side, based on the configured viewing permissions.

Available Information

  • Types of dates: A filter to select the type of date that best applies to the report:
    • Opening
    • Closing
    • Reopening
    • Cancellation 
    • Resolution
    • Due date 
  • Period: A filter to adjust the desired period before requesting the export, ensuring that the interval between the start and end dates does not exceed 1 year.
  • Report summary: Displays the conditions and columns configured in the report.

Create a New Report

  1. Click the icon  to start creating a new custom report.

  2. Fill in the report name (Required). Choose a unique name within your section, which can be Personal or Shared.

  3. Define the conditions (Optional). The conditions determine which tickets will be included in the report. You can choose between two types of logic to filter the tickets.

    1. Meets ALL of the following conditions:
      The ticket must meet all the defined conditions.
      Example: If Ticket: Category = Problem

    2. Meets ANY of the following conditions:
      The ticket must meet at least one of the defined conditions.
      Example: If Ticket: Was Reopened

    3. Combination of conditions:
      If you use both types of conditions, the ticket must meet all the combined conditions and, at the same time, meet at least one of the independent conditions.

  4. Select the columns (Required): You must select at least 1 column and can include up to 50 columns per report.

    • Organize the columns as you prefer. To do this, click, drag, and drop the columns in the desired order.

  1. After defining the conditions and columns, click Save to finish.

⚠️ Attention:  When selecting the Ticket Description column for export, the report will only include the description of the first action recorded in the ticket, not the full history of interactions.

Edit or Delete Existing Reports

To edit:

  1. Select a report from the list.

  2. Click Edit filters.

  3. Update the conditions or columns and save the changes.

To delete:

  1. Select the report.

  2. Click Edit filters.

  3. Click Delete and confirm the action.

Exporting Reports

To ensure that only relevant tickets are exported, use the Period filter. This filter defines the time range for ticket analysis, allowing you, for example, to export only those that were resolved, opened, or modified within a specific period.
  1. Choose the desired period within the report and click the Request export button.

  2. After the request, the system will perform a validation to check if there are any tickets available for export. Depending on the result, you may encounter the following scenarios:

    1. No tickets found: Review the query period and/or the conditions applied to the export and try again.

    2. Report with more than 50,000 tickets: The limit has been exceeded. Adjust the query period and/or conditions applied to the export to reduce the number of tickets and try again.

    3. Report within the 50,000 ticket limit: The system will present a modal asking you to choose the file format for export: CSV or XLS.

      1. After making your selection, click Request export.

      2. You will have the option to click on Go to Central, which will open the Processing Center. There, you will be able to track the progress of the export and access the file once the process is completed.

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