This section is located at the bottom of the automation creation screen. Here, you can view a complete breakdown of executions and export a report on the last 10 automation executions.
To access this feature, go to Zenvia Customer Cloud > Experts agents > Create new expert agent> Latest executions section.
Check out the available fields below:
Execution ID: The identification number of the execution.
Date: The day of the last execution.
Channel: Indicates the channel used (WhatsApp, SMS, or Email).
Message status: Sent or Not Sent.
Details: Displays a message, for example, if there was an error.
Contact: Name of the contact.
By clicking the Export report button, you can download the information in CSV format.
Latest edits
In this section, you can view the 10 most recent changes made to expert agents.
The fields displayed in the latest changes are:
- Date: The date and time when the expert agent was edited;
- Edited by: The name of the user who made the change;
- Activity: General description of the change.
If you want to check more details, you can export the report.
Done! Information available for analysis.