Category: 03. Generative AI Chatbot

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06. Add transfer skill to the AI chatbot

The Transfer ability allows the chatbot to direct users to human service, whether it's sales or technical support. This is useful when the chatbot is unable to resolve the user's request or when the query requires a more personalized interaction, such as closing a sale or solving complex problems. E

07. Add Integration Skill to the AI Chatbot

In this new feature, you can define a context to send or request information available in external systems, as well as request services from them using API calls. Some examples of these actions are querying user information, checking order statuses or generating documents such as bills of exchange.

04. Add Skill to the Chatbot

The Skills screen allows you to specialize a particular action for your chatbot, improving the user experience with more detailed responses.  To understand its function in practice, suppose you have a general knowledge base covering a variety of topics about your company. Also imagine that your cus

03. Managing Chatbot Content on the Knowledge

The Knowledge screen is the repository of the content that the chatbot uses to provide answers to users. This is where you determine which content your Chatbot should consult during conversations. It can serve two functions: Generate answers during the chats: The chatbot consults this content to pro

02. Create and adjust the personality traits

The Personality traits screen allows you to create and adjust the characteristics of your chatbot. Here, you can define the following aspects to guide its behavior: Purpose: Determine who the chatbot is and its main functions. Behavior: Establish how the chatbot should interact with users, includin

01. Overview of the Generative AI Chatbot

With the Generative AI Chatbot, you can include a personalized chat experience on your company's website or channels like WhatsApp Business without writing a single line of code. Whether you aim to provide customer support, facilitate sales, or collect feedback, this type of Chatbot allows you to ea