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07. Satisfaction survey
2 min
Created by Humanz on 6/3/2022 12:20 PM
Updated by Maria Malheiro on 9/18/2024 4:19 PM

The Satisfaction survey is a feature that allows you to measure how satisfied your customer was with the service they received from your company. The benefit of using it is having data and evaluations about your company's service, in order to improve customer service.

The Satisfaction Survey can be configured by the Administrator through an integration, such as with Zenvia NLU or Zenvia Bots, where these tools are responsible for generating the satisfaction survey at the end of the service and sending the rating to Zenvia Chat later.

To view and analyze the survey data, go to Zenvia Chat - Administrator Profile > Analysis > Satisfaction survey.

The Satisfaction survey data is generated according to the type of evaluation chosen by the Administrator. With this, there are three possible types of evaluations: Average positiveAverage stars, and NPS, as detailed below.

  • Average positive: the average percentage of positive ratings this agent received.
  • Average stars: the average star rating this agent received.
  • NPS (Net Promoter Score): an evaluation that results from subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters.

The report also presents information such as:

  • Agent of the agent or representative.
  • Total reviews received by the agent.
  • Neither: services that were completed but not rated by the customer.
All this information can be filtered by the desired period, allowing filters for one or more departments or agents. Additionally, to ensure better analysis and tracking of the report, we can export the report to a .csv file.

Done! Satisfaction survey viewing and analysis process completed.
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