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05. Manage break status 
9 min
Created by MLMC on 10/31/2022 9:10 AM
Updated by Maria Malheiro on 9/18/2024 3:43 PM

Pre-pause status 
The Pre-break status differentiates when the agent is on call, complementing the other four statuses already present in Zenvia Chat - Logged in and available, Logged in and unavailable, Pause and Logged out.

This status supports the management of calls during the periods before the agent takes breaks (e.g. lunch, restroom, meeting, etc.). The aim is to organize appointments so that, by selecting the pre-break option, the agent can continue to carry out/finish their ongoing appointments without receiving new ones, in order to ensure that they are able to leave on their break without affecting conversations or being left with outstanding appointments.

⚠️Attention:The Pre-pause status will be available for all accounts and will be enabled in the same way as the Pause status.

The pre-pause period only covers the time before the pause, and does not affect calls after returning from the pause. The agent can waive the pre-pause period and enter Pause directly if they wish.

 If all the agents are in pre-pause, the new appointments will be thrown into the general queue and, from the first time they return from pause, we will return to the configured automatic distribution format (if applicable).

Activation of the pre-pause will be done manually by the agent, and only one reason can be selected on the Pause Status screen.

When selecting the pre-break period, the agent should not receive any new calls and, for this reason, the agent should not receive any new calls.

By selecting the pre-pause period, the agent should not receive any new appointments and, for this status, there will be no blocks on other functionalities. The Pre-pause status, unlike the Pause status, counts productive time; which means that an agent in Pre-pause status adds up in the adherence report, while an agent in Pause status does not.

Pause status  

The break status allows the Admin user to control their agents' breaks throughout the day, such as lunch, rest, etc.

⚠️Attention: When accessing the screen to update the Pause Status, in order to be able to Save the selected options, the agent must have selected: at least one of the options between starting pre-pause or starting pause and the related reason.

On the Pause Status update screen, only one of the start pre-pause or start pause options can be selected.

On the Agent screen there will be a counter that will show how long ago the agent started their Pause or Pre-pause period along with the selected reason. This counter is updated every second.

The account administrator will be able to decide whether or not the users of the account, while in Pause, will be able to continue carrying out actions or whether they will be blocked from carrying out activities.

The account administrator can also view agent information and statuses in the Dashboard, Monitoring and Adherence menus.

If the agent is in Pre-pause or Pause (with no block on actions set by the Admin), they can exit the status and return to the normal service option by clicking on the X next to the reason for the status; or by enabling the Available for chats option.

With the creation of this new Pre-pause status, the statuses are conceptualized as follows:

  • Logged in: Agent is online and available for chat. Currently logged in and available. Counts productive time.
  • Logged in and unavailable: Agent is online, unavailable for chat (does not receive new calls), but is not in pre-pause. The option Available for chats on the Agent panel has been left off. Counts productive time.
  • Pre-pause: Agent is online, unavailable for chat (does not receive new calls). Selected the pre-pause option from the Agent screen. Counts productive time.
  • Pause: Agent is online, unavailable for chat (no new calls). May or may not be blocked from continuing to answer chats in progress.

Here's how:

  • Enter and exit pre-pause/pause status
  • View the agent in the Admin panel
  • Block actions when the agent is in Pause

Enter and exit pre-pause/pause status (without blocking)

In the Agent view, go to the Menu in the top right corner and click Update your Pause status.

  1. Select the option you want (either Pause or Pre-pause) and the related reason.
  2.  Click Update status.
  3. Confirm that the counter indicating how long you have been paused is in Pause or Pre-pause.
  4. If you want to end the pause, click on the X or activate Available for chats.

That's it! Now you know how to enter and exit pre-pause and pause status.

Viewing the agent in the Admin panel

In the Dashboards menu, you can see how many agents are in each of the statuses, enabling you to view Pre-pause and Pause.

  1. In the Monitoring menu you can filter by status and get a clear view of which agents are in each status in real time.
  2. That's it! Now you know how to view the agent in the Admin panel.
  3. In the Adherence menu, you can view the time in each of the five related statuses, enabling you to view Time on hold and creating an individual column for Time logged in and unavailable. 

You can access the details of the reasons that accounted for the Pre-pause and Pause statuses by clicking on the time listed for each agent: Remember that the statuses that count as productive time are: Logged in and available, Logged in and unavailable and Pre-pause. The Pause status is not included in the calculation. The Logged in and unavailable status is counted once the agent is able to continue using the platform to make calls.

💡 Tip: Know that adherence is the ratio between productive hours (logged in available + logged in unavailable + pre-pause) and the working day.

Block actions when the agent is on Pause

In the Admin view, in the Pause Status menu, select the Block actions when paused option for cases where you want the Agent to no longer be able to perform actions in this status. Or leave the option unchecked when the intention is to allow the agent to continue performing their tasks, but without receiving new ones, and to continue transacting normally on the platform.

That's it! Now you know how to block actions.