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How to visualize the information of the leads coming from Meta campaigns
2 min
Created by Larissa Aniceto on 4/12/2023 3:03 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 8/4/2023 4:20 PM
Learn how to interpret the details of your campaigns in conversations.

In Zenvia Conversion, after you receive contact from a lead through one of your Meta (Facebook, Instagram) campaigns, you can view all the details of the ad through which the client entered the generated conversation.


The fields are the following:


Title: Headline used in the ad that generated the message. In bold in the gray box (it may not come if the ad does not have it)

Body: Body from the ad that generated the message. Non-bold text from the gray box (it may not come if the ad does not have it)


URL: leads to the ad or post, opening this URL takes you to the ad seen by the customer


Origin: it will always be Meta


FacebookID/InstagramID: ID referring to the advertisement or post

Image: the image the customer viewed and clicked (may or may not appear)


You can view each of the fields mentioned in the image below:


Note: If your client enters different ads and sends a message from each of them, all this information will be reflected in the same conversation. The original lead does not change, this will always be the one that clicked the first ad, even if messages with other ads are sent later.

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