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Quick guide to Zenvia Conversion initial settings
4 min
Created by Karine Moreira on 5/15/2023 3:44 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 10/16/2023 11:41 AM
Guide for your account's initial configuration on the platform

Hey! if you got this far, I think you already have a Zenvia Conversion [Sirena] plan contracted.


In this article you'll get easy access to the first steps to set up your account and quickly start your operation.


Reminder: only admin users and dashboards admin can access and set up this configurations


Platform access


Setting up your WhatsApp line


Social networks and other apps integration


Usability and business operation

5- Create closing reasons (available in plan PRO)

6- How to download Zenvia Conversion’s app?



Watch the full overviews tutorials of Zenvia Conversion's platform accessing our linktree page


Following this guidance you'll be able to set up any configuration needed in your account to use the platform in the best way and enjoy all the conversion power.


In case of remaining doubts not solved by our help center, contact our technical support team through the email conversion.soporte@zenvia.com or by webchat* (available for all PRO users and Basic admins)




Financial matters , billing, invoicing and payments

If you need help with this topic contact the billing department though the email financeiro.cvlatam@zenvia.com.

For others infos access the How my account is billed article


Report a problem

If you have an issue, instability or even something not working as is should, contact our technical support though the email conversion.soporte@zenvia.com or by webchat* (availabe for all PRO users and Basic admins)