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How to send bulk WhatsApp messages on Zenvia Attraction
8 min
Created by Karine Moreira on 5/18/2023 9:14 AM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 11/17/2023 10:52 AM
Learn how to send bulk WhatsApp messages, integrated with Zenvia Conversion, by Zenvia Attraction.

To carry out bulk shoots from Zenvia Attraction, access the platform through app.zenvia.com with the same login and password used in Zenvia Conversion. 

Then, access the Products top menu and then select Zenvia Attraction in the Solutions tab.

Remembering that it is necessary to have an active Zenvia Attraction plan.

In the left side menu go to Send Messages > WhatsApp or if you prefer, go to the homepage and select the Send WhatsApp button.

This will bring you to the Message screen where you can shoot.


In the Message step, you will need to fill in some fields. Follow the steps below:

  1. Define the name of the campaign;

  2. In Sending number, select the phone, among the approved numbers of your account and that is the same used in your Zenvia Conversion account;

  3. Then choose one of the pre-approved templates;

  4. Select the “Chat using Zenvia Conversion” in the Keep interacting after broadcast (Optional) field;

  5. When finished, click Next.


Sending via WhatsApp is simple, but requires pre-approved templates by Facebook/WhatsApp, known as HSM (Highly Structured Messages).

If you still don't have approved templates in your account, you can create and submit WhatsApp templates for approval within the Zenvia Platform itself.

💡 Tip: The templates have images and buttons with clickable links. Learn How to Create Message Templates for WhatsApp.

By clicking next, you will go to the Configuration step.


In this step, you must define message recipients. You will have three options:

  • Add groups or contacts;

  • Import contacts from a file;

  • Add contacts manually.

Add groups or contacts

When selecting the option Add groups or contacts, the following screen will be displayed:

Then you must select the list of contacts, specific contacts or segmentation rules to receive this trigger. When finished, click Add.

That's it, your users have been added!


Import contacts from a file

When selecting the option Import contacts from a file, the following screen will be displayed:

Then, you must upload a .csv file with up to 10,000 recipient numbers (in the case of submissions without variables).

All submissions that have variables must be made via file. When importing with a variable, confirm the relationship of the header columns with the corresponding variable in the template. Learn more about importing here.


Add contacts manually

When selecting the option Add contacts manually, you must enter the recipient numbers using semicolons (;) to separate the numbers of the contacts that must be in the format DDI + DDD + 9 digits.

After selecting the desired recipient option, to complete the action, click Add.



After finishing the recipients step, you will see the Summary page and you will see three types of message scheduling:

  • Send now;

  • Schedule Send;

  • Send in batches.

Send now

  1. To send in real time, in the Summary step, select the Send Now option.

  2. Check the information and, if everything is correct, click on the Finish button to complete the submission..


Schedule Send

1. If you don't want to send the campaign in real time, you can schedule it to be sent. To do this, select the Schedule Send option.

2. After selecting this option, fill in the Send Date and Time fields. These two fields will determine the time your campaign will be sent to recipients.

3. Finally, click the Finish button to finish scheduling the shipment.

⚠️ Attention: This shipment will be sent considering the time zone: GMT-0300 (Brasília Standard Time).


Sin batches

1. If you don't want to send messages to all recipients at once, you can divide the campaign into batches. To do so, select the Send in batches option.

⚠️ Attention: The option to send campaigns in batches will only be eligible if you selected the Import files option in the Configuration step. If you choose Add Groups or Contacts or Add Manually, you will not be able to send messages in batches.


2. To send standard batches, you must fill in the following fields:

  • Number of batches: Use the checkbox to determine how many batches your messages should be sent in. When selecting the number of batches, the system will inform you of the approximate number of recipients in each batch.

💡 Tip: The maximum number of batches offered by the platform is 30, but the amount that will appear for you in the selector box will depend on the number of contacts contained in your file. For example, if you have a file with only 6 contacts, the option to send messages in 30 batches will not appear.

  • Start sending on: Determine the date your first batch of messages will be sent.

  • Send start time: Determine the time your first batch of messages will be sent.

  • Interval between submissions: Determine what the time interval between batches will be. You can select minute, hour, or week intervals. After determining the interval between shipments, the system will inform you of the date and time when your last batch will be sent.

3. After filling in all fields, click Finish to complete the submission.

Regardless of the type of shipment or scheduling made, after sending you will be able to monitor the metrics through the monitoring panel on the Track shipments screen.

⚠️ Attention: After the chat is closed in Zenvia Conversion, messages can be sent to a contact regardless of the channel, either through a campaign sent via Zenvia Attraction or another platform.

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