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06. Consult ZIP code in Chatbot
3 min
Created by Maria Malheiro on 2/8/2024 4:22 PM
Updated by Ligia Sarmento on 3/13/2024 4:48 PM

In Zenvia Customer Cloud, the action Consult ZIP code can be used to retrieve details of the zip code entered by the customer. It receives the number entered by the customer during the conversation and from there, it retrieves additional data such as: Street, Neighborhood, City, and State.

It is recommended to use this action when it's necessary to confirm if the address provided by the customer is correct. A very common application of this action is to ask the customer for their zip code and then display a new message to them with Street, Neighborhood, City, and State, and ask if they confirm the address.

How to Access

The Consult ZIP code content is available in the Constructor, and to access it, simply click on the three dots of the block or anywhere within it.

This will open the Block Details modal, then follow these instructions:

  1. Click on Add content > Conversation actionsConsult ZIP code.
  2. Choose User Input, if the zip code you want to look up is the last message the customer sent to the chatbot;
  3. Or choose Variable, if you have asked any other question before the action, for the chatbot to consider the zip code saved previously.
  4. Select Save address in service, if you wish for the identified data to be saved in the Calls.
  5. Click outside of this open block to save, and the Consult ZIP code will be included.

💡 Tip: To display the identified data from the entered zip code, use the notation <?response_zip.result?> in the following messages. For example, if you want to display all the identified data, your text message will look like this:

Data Sent

I located the following data:

Street: <?response_zip.result.logradouro?>

Neighborhood: <?response_zip.result.bairro?>

City: <?response_zip.result.localidade?>

State: <?response_zip.result.uf?>

Quick responses

Do you confirm the located data? Yes - No.

Once done, create your flow and continue with the assistance.

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