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01. Analyze Calls provided by Chatbots
4 min
Created by Larissa Aniceto on 2/9/2024 2:56 PM
Updated by Ligia Sarmento on 7/25/2024 6:06 PM

In the Zenvia Customer Cloud, the Calls (Chatbot inbox) tab is responsible for providing a complete record of the data from the services performed by the created chatbots.

For companies looking to enhance their customer service experience, analyzing this information is an excellent advantage as it allows for more effective personalization of interactions, providing greater understanding of the needs and preferences of their consumers.

On this Calls page, you can search for basic data through the filters available after publishing the chatbot to your clients and monitor how your service is progressing. This allows you to identify areas for improvement and implement adjustments more effectively.

⚠️ Attention: This functionality is only available for users with Operator and Admin profiles.

Display Calls

Check and expand the list of services performed by chatbots by searching through basic customer data or available filters:

  • Name: customer name, email, phone, CPF/CNPJ of the company.

  • Chatbot: chatbot name.

  • Channels: channel where the service was performed.

  • Period: start and end date and time of the service.

  • Production/Tests: services that are effectively in production, i.e., active for the public, or those still in testing, which are internal/homologation.

Export calls

Export the information displayed in your search to a .csv file. The file will be generated based on the filters defined in the list, containing identifiers and basic data about the services.

By clicking on Export calls, the download will start automatically by your browser.

Analyze service data

After the search is displayed on the initial page with the defined filters, analyze the data related to the service, check the complete conversation, and the exchanged files.

To do this, simply click on the chosen option, and the following information will appear:

  • Service duration.

  • Number of interactions.

  • Customer evaluation score for the provided service: NPS and CSAT.

  • Basic customer data: name, CPF, address, email, and phone.

  • Evaluation question answered by the customer.

  • Files sent by customers and received by the chatbot. To view, just click on any file.

  • Conversation history. Displays all messages that the client exchanged with the chatbot during the conversation. Here you can also see which assistant sent the message and the moment of transfer between assistants (if applicable). If the conversation is initiated after the sending of an HSM (High Structured Message, a message template for WhatsApp) coming from the message dispatch, the template text will also be in the chatbot history. It will be possible to download in pdf by clicking on the down arrow.

Closing the session

You can also close the session through the Options menu. Thus, the next message the client sends to the chatbot will generate a new session for them.

The closed session will not be deleted and will remain available for consultation.

There you have it! Now that you know about the Calls functionality and all the procedures involved in it, proceed to the next step: Flow Map.