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09. Batch broadcast in Message Broadcast in Zenvia Customer Cloud
4 min
Created by Leonora Alves on 2/15/2024 3:37 PM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 3/8/2024 3:44 PM

For sending Email, RCS, SMS, or WhatsApp messages, it is necessary to choose how these messages are dispatched, and you can choose to send them in specific batches.

Batch messaging is a feature that allows you to send messages separately if you do not want to send messages to all recipients at once. With it, you can divide the sending into smaller groups called batches.

⚠️ Attention: This feature is available only for users with the Operator or Admin profiles.

Before we proceed, it is important to note that to reach the stage where you define when to perform your dispatches, you need to create the communication and enable the Batch dispatch option in the last stage of building the dispatch.

The option to send batch dispatch will only be eligible if the message is sent by file import. If you choose the options to use the contact base or add contacts manually, it is not possible to send in batches.

How to set up batch sending

  1. After checking the dispatch summary, click on Dispatch or schedule and select the dispatch method:
    • Broadcast now: when selecting the real-time dispatch option, consider that the first batch will only be carried out after 20 minutes. This time is used for batch dispatch processing;
    • Schedule broadcast: to schedule, select the date and time. Check the complete step-by-step if you have doubts about scheduling broadcasts.
    • Send at the best time: it is not possible to use smart broadcast with batch broadcast active. Therefore, the option appears blocked.
  2. Enable the Batch dispatch option;
  3. To send standard batches, you must fill in the following fields:
    • Number of batches: Use the checkbox to determine how many batches your messages should be sent in. By selecting the number of batches, the system will inform you of the approximate number of recipients in each batch.

      💡 Tip: The maximum number of batches offered by the platform is 30, but the quantity that will appear for you in the selector box will depend on the number of contacts in your file. For example, if you have a file with only 6 contacts, the option to send messages in 30 batches will not be displayed.

    • Interval between broadcast: Determine the time interval between batches. You can select intervals in minutes, hours, or one week. After determining the interval between broadcasts, the system will inform you of the date and time your last batch will be sent.
  4. After filling in all the fields, click on Finish dispatch to complete the dispatch.

Done! Your broadcast has been created, and the batches will be sent following the registered preferences. After sending, you can monitor your broadcast metrics.