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04. Zenvia Customer Cloud overview
5 min
Created by Leonora Alves on 2/26/2024 4:36 PM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 3/8/2024 3:41 PM

When accessing the solution with email and password, the Homepage provides important information for your use and monitoring of your organization's data.

⚠️ Attention: The Home page is not available for users with the Agent profile. Other access profiles can access the screen with some limitations: users with the Admin profile can perform the initial steps, and only Operator and Admin profiles can access quick actions.

Get Here

Here are the initial steps that have or have not been completed by your organization in Zenvia Customer Cloud. If you have already completed these steps, you have access to important data about usage, detailed below. Otherwise, see how to:

Current plan

These are the consumption data of the plan contracted by your organization for the current day. Detailed consumption is available in Analytics > Usage.

Quick actions

These are buttons that facilitate access to important features of Zenvia Customer Cloud:

  • Send messages: use it to create, schedule, and send campaigns, notifications, invitations, and promotions through SMS, WhatsApp, RCS, or Email channels.
  • Manage contacts: to create, edit, and manage contacts and lists. It's possible to connect to the API and automate the management of your database.
  • Chat with customers: to exchange messages with contacts who have interacted with your company.
  • Activate channel: to integrate conversational channels into the software and enhance your company's communication.
  • See invoices: to access financial information, such as invoices and tax notes.

Contacts dashboard

The contacts dashboard provides an overview of metrics related to your database and interactions with these contacts:

  • Contact dashboard: includes all contacts in your database.
  • Reached contacts: are the contacts who received a message in the last 15 days. It presents trend indicators, comparing the number of reached contacts with the previous period, both in absolute and percentage terms.
  • Assisted contacts: are the contacts who received service in the last 15 days. It presents trend indicators, comparing the number of reached contacts with the previous period, both in absolute and percentage terms.
  • Customer service rate: is the percentage calculated from the division of the total number of services performed by the total number of contacts who received the message.

This feature helps understand the dynamics between your brand and your consumers, as it presents information and insights about interactions and engagement with your customers.

Broadcasts amount

The graph shows the daily evolution of contacts based on the volume of messages sent and how many of them were attended to.

The information includes contacts from the organization that had an interaction in the last 15 days.

Geographical distribution

The map highlights the states with a greater presence in the contact base, indicating the proportion of interactions per trigger and service for each state. Thus, it is possible to identify regions with a higher concentration of contacts and those with less presence.

Information about the contact's state is obtained through the area codes of people who had interactions in the last 15 days. To view the total number of contacts, services, and triggers, hover the cursor over the highlighted state on the map.

Done! Now you can start attracting and retaining customers, increasing conversions, creating intelligent chatbots, and monitoring your results with Zenvia Customer Cloud.