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05. Sending the bot conversation to a human agent
6 min
Created by Ligia Sarmento on 8/9/2024 4:21 PM
Updated by Ligia Sarmento on 8/13/2024 3:28 PM

In this article, you will learn how to configure the transfer of a chatbot conversation to a human agent.

This process ensures that the customer receives the necessary support, even when the chatbot is not able to resolve the request on its own.

In this article:

Step by step to configure the transfer of service

In the Chatbots List, click on the one you want to configure for transfer to access the builder and follow the steps below.

Creating the transfer block

  1. In the already created conversational flow, create a new block. A suggestion is to name it Transfer Service.

  2. Click on Add content and select Conversation Actions > Transfer conversation.

  3. Choose the type of transfer Human Service and configure the fields:

    • By default, the Zenvia Conversion option will be selected. Keep it.

    • Fill in the configuration fields:

      • API Key: It is not mandatory to fill it out.

      • Group ID: Internal identifier of the service group. To obtain it, contact our support team through the chat with Zoe.

      • Industry: Usually set as "retail," but may vary depending on the context. If you have any questions, contact the support team through the chat with Zoe.

  4. Use variables to automatically fill in customer information:

    • Customer's phone number: Use the variable <?$phone?>.

    • Customer's name: Use the variable <?$name?>.

  5. Define the transfer message that will be sent to the customer during the transfer. In the input field, write something like: "We are already transferring you."

Adding complementary blocks

After creating the transfer block, it is necessary to create two more blocks to ensure that the conversation is correctly directed to human service and then properly closed.

Block 1

  1. Create a block called Service.

  2. Click on Add content > Data entry > Open field.

After creating it, return to the Transfer Service block and, in Destinations, choose Block 1.

Block 2

  1. Create the last block and name it Closing.

  2. Click on Add content > Conversation Actions > End conversation.

  3. Write a closing message, such as: "Thank you for contacting us."

Finally, return to Block 1 and, in Destinations, choose Block 2.

Identifying Transfer Errors

One way to identify possible errors in the transfer process is to observe the behavior of the end messages within the flow.

If you configure an end message, it should be sent after the transfer has been successfully completed. When your chatbot is live, monitor whether the transfer and end messages are sent in very quick succession, as this may indicate that the transfer occurred, but the chatbot returned to the flow before being finalized by a human agent.

If this happens, it suggests that there may have been an error in the transfer, such as a lack of available agents or a problem with the connection to the support group.

Monitor these signs to identify and resolve issues quickly, ensuring a smoother experience for the user. If this error occurs, you can take the following actions to try to resolve the issue:

Check agent availability

Confirm if there are agents available in the support group to which the transfer was directed. If no agents are available, the system may automatically return to the bot flow. Consider adjusting agent availability settings or configuring a waiting queue to prevent the bot from returning to the flow immediately.

Review integration settings

Verify that the integration with the support system is correctly configured, including API data and group ID.

Transfer restrictions for WhatsApp-accessible groups

It's important to highlight that the transfer of conversations can only be performed to groups that have access to the WhatsApp line. Ensure the target group has the necessary permissions and is properly configured to receive transfers via WhatsApp.

Done! Now you know how to configure the transfer of the bot's service to a human agent.

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