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Unverified Trial and Extended Trial
2 min
Created by Karine Moreira on 5/2/2023 9:37 AM
Updated by Larissa Aniceto on 8/7/2023 11:49 AM
To set up your first line with Zenvia Conversion, you'll start with the trial version of the product, which can be limited or extended

Once your business has completed the registration process, you will be able to send messages, even before WhatsApp verifies your business. Meta/WhatsApp refers to this as the Unverified trial experience and there are two levels:


Unverified trial experience (after registration is completed)

  • Notifications: You can send to up to 10 messages a day to two phone numbers. You can use preapproved message templates to send notifications.

  • Customer service messages: You can send messages to 10 phone numbers.


Extended trial experience (after the documents WhatsApp requests from you have been verified)

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