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01. Tokens & Webhooks for use in APIs in Zenvia Customer Cloud
5 min
Created by Ligia Sarmento on 2/26/2024 3:45 PM
Updated by Ligia Sarmento on 3/8/2024 4:15 PM

Zenvia Customer Cloud allows you to perform automations through our available channel APIs. To use the features, simply register in the solution and obtain the necessary credentials, as explained in this article. Then, you can integrate our Multichannel API into your system and communicate with your clients across various channels.

Suppose a customer has placed an order and provided their phone number and email address during the purchasing process. With the SMS API, for example, you can send a message informing that the product has been received and is being processed. Or, with the Email API, automatically send tracking details as soon as the order is dispatched.

⚠️ Attention: This functionality is available only for users with the Operator, Admin, or SysAdmin profiles.

Integrating an API requires advanced technical knowledge, so it's essential to seek the assistance of a developer. Information about APIs can be found in Zenvia APIs.

How to acess

The Tokens and Webhooks creation screen enables the use of multichannel APIs.

To access, follow these instructions:

In the side menu, click on Settings > Tokens and Webhooks.

Create a New Token

The Token is an authentication key with our APIs. It is with this key that you perform integrations and other calls. To create one, follow these steps on the Tokens and Webhooks screen:

  1. Click on the Create New option under Tokens.
  2. Enter a Name for identification.
  3. Choose the Authentication type:
  • Standard: Uses only the token to validate the connection between systems.
  • With signature: Incorporates a digital signature to the token, providing an extra layer of security.
      4. Finish by clicking Save.

Done. A new screen will display your key. Store this code securely as this is the only moment it will be provided.

💡 Tip: If you prefer, click on the Download.CSV button to have the file with the saved key.

If you wish to delete the Token, return to the Tokens and Webhooks screen and click on the Delete option.

Create a New Webhook

Webhooks are optional and allow you to receive events at the configured URL to receive the desired information.

Follow the instructions on the Tokens and Webhooks screen:

  1. Click on the Create New option under Webhook.
  2. Select the options:
  • Status: Choose between Active or Inactive. The difference is related to receiving automatic notifications of events.
  • Version: Select the version type, referring to the specific iteration of a webhook service to indicate updates or changes over time for improvements or fixes.
  • Event type: Indicate the desired event type - Message or Message Status. Message events notify about content, while status events focus on updates about the delivery or processing of the message.
  • Channel: Choose the channel to receive automatic notifications only for events related to it.
  • URL: Provide the valid URL to receive automatic notifications.
  • Headers: Fill in the Key and Value fields to configure HTTP headers, such as "Content-Type: application/json." Customize as per the authentication requirements of the destination.

      4. Finish by clicking Save.

If you want to delete the Webhook, return to the Tokens and Webhooks screen and click on the Delete option.

Done! You now have Tokens and Webhooks and can proceed to use our APIs. Access our technical documentation to learn more about the requests made on each channel or perform tests in the Sandbox.

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